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--------------------2 Years later------------------

"What a beautiful blessing" I grinned down at my daughter. She had a satisfied smile on her face. My eyes trailed down to the bundle in her arms where her new child lay covered in layers to warn them.

"Do you think Bali Bey will be sad that it is a girl?" Mihrimah questioned worriedly. I chuckled touching her chin. This girl did not see clearly how smitten the man was with her, he was slightly cold in the beginning because he refused to view Mihrimah as an adult however now he was smitten with her.

"He will be happy with this blessing" I assured her. The smile returned to her face. The doors to Mihrimah's room opened and Ayse stepped in with a hand over her huge belly, she was due to give birth any day now.

"Sister, I came as fast as I can when I heard" Ayse wobbled over to Mihrimah's bed and sat down on the bed. Mihrimah reached her empty hand and grabbed one of Ayse's hands.

"You should not have, you are too heavily pregnant" Mihrimah had tears in her eyes. I could not be happier today to see the bond between these two girls.

"Nonsense, I will always be by your side" Ayse shook Mihrimah off

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"Nonsense, I will always be by your side" Ayse shook Mihrimah off. The doors opened again and Kaya came scrambling in.

"Mihrimah, are you alright?" Kaya questioned. Before the doors could close Beyhan walked in with Nuriye beside her.

"I am just fine" Mihrimah responded to her sister. Suleiman is supposed to come as soon as he was done with empire work so he could name his new granddaughter.

"Validam, will Mahmud come too?" Nuriye questioned. When Melek gave birth Suleiman chose the name Mahmud for our grandson, he at first wanted to name him after his father but then it would be unfair for Abdullah who did not have any children to hold his name.

"Of course dear, whenever that troublemaker wakes up Melek will bring him to this palace" I answered. Beyhan had turned eighteen and I still could not find the right match for her and I was growing restless and worried for my girl, I wanted her to have someone loyal to me so he can protect her. all conversations halted when the doors opened and Suleiman stepped in with Bali Bey behind him. The latter immediately made his way over to the bed where his wife and child were. Bali Bey was now in charge of the entire Janissary army and the leader of it, almost as high in position as the first vizier.

"Bismillah" Bali Bey whispered as he took the baby from Mihrimah. She had a huge smile on her face as she watched her husband hold the baby close to his chest.

"I am saddened that Mehmed is not here, he was excited to hear of my pregnancy," Mihrimah said. Mehmed had been in Manisa for two years now. Murad was sent to rule over Edirne as his province six months after Osman's death, Suleiman has been calling the province of Bolu cursed ever since then too. Selim was sent to Konya and Beyazid to Kütahya.

"He is busy with his province now and let us not forget that he is also expecting" I reminded Mihrimah. She sighed disappointed and let go of the subject.

"Give her to me, let me see her" Suleiman moved to stand beside Bali Bey. With a heavy heart, the father handed his daughter to her grandfather. Suleiman pulled her closer to his chest and kissed her forehead, she let out a small whine but proceeded to sleep. I chuckled watching the interaction between grandfather and granddaughter.

"Your name will be Ayse-Hümasah" Suleiman whispered in her ear. I wrapped an arm around Nuriye's shoulder as she tried standing on her toes to get a glimpse of the baby.

"I am glad Mihrimah is alright, she was very worried about giving birth" I spoke as I helped Suleiman take off his Kaftan. Suleiman smiled and turned to face me. I folded the Kaftan in half before throwing it on an ottoman in the room prepared for us in Mihrimah's palace. The rest of the girls decided to return to the palace while Ayse went back to her palace that she shared with Rüstem Pasha, the first vizier of Suleiman's council.

"She is alright because you were by her side, Qamar you became a mother to these children and I'm sure they love you as much as if you were their real mother" Suleiman placed a hand on each one of my biceps. I placed my hands on his chest feeling his heart beating under my hand.

"I live only for you Suleiman, if there was no Suleiman then there will be no Qamar. Your children are my children" I whispered. My hands snaked around his neck pulling him closer. He leaned down and placed his forehead on to mine. He moved one of his hands under my chin and raised my head up so our lips were a breath away from each other if I pucker my lips they would touch his.

"My moon, the light of my life, you were my beginning, you are my present and you will be my future. When I am away all I can think of is your jasmine smell, the feathery touch of yours. I thank Allah every day that he sent me a woman as caring and loving as you. A woman who mothered not only the children of her womb but the children of another woman" He whispered. My eyes filled with tears at his words. Suleiman rarely shows this side, especially recently after the last events.

"I love you, I love you so bad that it hurts sometimes and I like it, I would go through hell's fire for you if needed" I moved one of my hands to touch his cheek and then run through his long beard.

"I doubt hell will house an angel like you, your place is in paradise my angel of light" Suleiman took hold of my hand and pulled it to his lips placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"My Sultan, I love you" I whispered. I pulled him down and hugged him as hard as possible. Suleiman's arms around me felt like heaven itself.

"Never let me go" I begged, fisting his shirt. Suleiman pulled away slightly only to smash his lips to mine. His fingers ran through my undone hair and down to the shoulder of my sleeping gown and slipped it off slowly with his calloused hand, a hand that battled enemies and killed sinners.

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