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"Why is she sleeping again?" Suleiman asked as the sun rose but Qamar was still asleep. He couldn't get a wink of sleep feeling obligated to watch over her throughout the night as she slept. Yahya also didn't sleep and stayed up with Suleiman but in a different room as he did his research about the poison Qamar consumed.

"The medicines I gave her are very strong and it will leave her asleep for a couple more hours" Yahya explained. Suleiman sighed sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Suleiman" a small whisper caught Suleiman's attention. Suleiman turned to look at Qamar, she was still asleep. He turned to Yahya and he seemed to not have heard or noticed, Suleiman almost thought he imagined it if it weren't for the name being whispered again. Suleiman stood up from the edge of the bed and walked closer to Qamar and sat by her side.

"She killed my son" Qamar panted in her sleep. Her hands and legs twitched as if she was having a nightmare. Suleiman felt his heart drop, was she having a nightmare that one of their sons died? Or is she living through a memory again?

"Sahihuban ... killed ... my ... son" her words were barely understood. Suleiman's heart dropped to his stomach. Qamar's forehead was coated with sweat as she squirmed in her sleep.

"Yahya" Suleiman had other priorities right now and they were to make sure Qamar was alright. Yahya looked up from his book. He came to check on Qamar when the morning came. Yahya's eyes trailed to the Sultana to find her squirming and panting.

"She's having a nightmare, Your majesty, I can do nothing about this" Yahya was almost ashamed of himself for being unable to help the Sultana in pain. Suleiman sighed and placed a hand on Qamar's forehead, almost instantly she relaxed and continued her sleep. Suleiman felt his heart swell knowing she only felt safe with his touch.

"Are you feeling any pain?" Yahya asked an awake Qamar. She was sitting against many pillows on her bed with a shawl on her head.

"No, thank Allah, I am feeling much better. Thank you Yahya Effendi" Qamar nodded her head in gratitude. Suleiman was stood to the side awaiting his turn to speak with. Qamar was alright and he needs to know what she meant that Sahihuban killed their son.

"I'll leave you to rest then, I will teach your handmaiden the medicine patterns," Yahya said bowing to Qamar.

"Will they affect my child?" Qamar asked. Suleiman's eyes snapped from Yahya to Qamar, how did she know? None of her households knew that she was pregnant but she did.

"No, do not worry" Yahya smiled. He knew that she would figure it out, she was a mother and this was not her first pregnancy. Yahya left the room leaving the husband and wife alone. Suleiman walked over to the bed and sat down in front of Qamar, she had a soft smile on her face still too weak to change much of her facial expressions.

"When you were sleeping, you said something that worried me" Suleiman took Qamar's hand. She felt relieved knowing that he forgave her, he initiated skin touch.

"You said that Sahihuban killed our son, what did you mean?" Suleiman asked with a hard look on his face but his hands were trembling. Qamar sighed sadly, she didn't want to tell him like this. He deserved a better explanation.

"Our son wasn't stillborn, the midwife killed him according to Sahihuban Sultan's orders. I asked her why she did it and she told me the truth fearing me killing her" I answered. Suleiman didn't know how to react, his sister killed a Sehzade with cold blood.

"Prepare yourself, we will be returning to the capital" Suleiman patted her cheek before leaving the room. Qamar smiled when he used the plural word.

I accepted the hand and let the agha help me down the carriage steps. In front of me stood Sahihuban Sultan and Hatice Sultan. Hatice smiled when she saw me but I could barely return it. I was still weak from the poison and pregnancy and on top of it all, we were traveling for days. I let out a shaky sigh as my feet touched the ground, a hard glare on my face as my eyes met with Sahihuban Sultan's eyes.

"Welcome back, Qamar" Hatice stepped forward and pulled me in for a hug

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"Welcome back, Qamar" Hatice stepped forward and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back missing my true friend in this whole palace.

"Thank you Sultanim," I said with a soft voice. She smiled and pulled away from me. I wanted to ask a question but before I could someone let out a small yell.

"Mother!" I looked over Hatice's shoulder to see all of my daughters running over to us from the palace with Ayse in the lead. I smiled and opened my arms. Ayse's body crashed against mine, Mal had to balance us from behind me knowing I was still too weak.

" I was very scared" Ayse whispered into my hair. I pulled away from her and touched her soft cheek. She took my hand and kissed my knuckles respectfully.

"I thank Allah for letting me see your beautiful face again, my darling" I whispered. She blushed and moved to the side giving her sisters space to step forward.

"Mommy" Kaya kissed my knuckles before hugging me. I placed a kiss on the crown of her head that rested against my chest. She stepped back giving Beyhan space, Beyhan kissed my knuckles and hugged me hard.

"Where is Nuriye?" Ayse asked looking behind me at the carriage.

"She is with her father, she refused to leave his side and he let her ride with him here" I answered chucking. Hatice laughed softly along with my daughters. Nuriye was such a daddy's girl no one can separate them.

"Qamar Sultan" I turned to look behind Sahihuban Sultan where Mihrimah emerged. I haven't even noticed her here. I was scared that she had heard of what happened between me and her mother. The smirk on Sahihuban Sultan's face looked even more evil than usual. 

"Welcome back, mother" Mihrimah smiled stepping over to me and kissing my knuckles. Sahihuban's face fell at Mihrimah's words.

"Thank you dear" I smiled touching her cheek. She smiled and stepped back to stand beside Ayse.

"Sultanas" Sümbul walked over and bowed to us all.

"His majesty is asking for all of you" Sümbul informed. Ayse latched herself to me as a small child would. I smiled patting her hand that held mine.

"Let's not keep the Sultan waiting" Hatice was the first to make her way into the palace. I followed behind her ignoring Sahihuban Sultan who was glaring at me.

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