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The opulent surroundings of Rana-Beyhan's palace served as the backdrop to a conversation that veered unexpectedly into the realm of family secrets. Sultan Suleiman and Qamar, his consort, exchanged puzzled glances as they tried to decipher the urgency in their daughter's eyes. Perplexed, Suleiman reached out, clasping Rana-Beyhan's hand in his, seeking an explanation.

"What is the matter, Beyhan?" Suleiman inquired, his voice laced with paternal concern.

Rana-Beyhan, however, had a question that caught them off guard, and the weight of its implications hung heavily in the air. "What happened to Ibrahim Pasha?" she asked with a directness that left both Suleiman and Qamar momentarily speechless.

The mention of Ibrahim Pasha, who had been entangled in a scandal involving Hatice Sultan, injected an unexpected tension into the room. The shock on Suleiman and Qamar's faces mirrored their confusion. Qamar, recovering first, managed to articulate their bewilderment. "What?" she queried, seeking clarity.

With a sense of purpose, Rana-Beyhan clarified her inquiry, her gaze unwavering. "What happened to Ibrahim Pasha after Aunt Hatice Sultan found out he cheated on her?"

Suleiman, now understanding the context, provided a concise response. "Well, she divorced him and sent him back to Parga, his homeland."

A palpable sigh of relief escaped Rana-Beyhan's lips. The tension in the room lessened, but confusion lingered. "Good," she replied, a hint of satisfaction in her tone.

The air remained charged with unspoken questions as the trio grappled with the unexpected turn of conversation, leaving an undercurrent of curiosity about the significance of Ibrahim Pasha's fate in the context of Rana-Beyhan's concerns.

The ornate atmosphere of Rana-Beyhan's palace seemed to crackle with tension as the unexpected revelation hung in the air. Qamar Sultan's confusion transformed into a sharp inquiry as she sought clarity from her daughter.

"Why are you asking? Did you bring us here for this stupid question?" Qamar Sultan demanded, her brows furrowed in bewilderment.

However, Rana-Beyhan, undeterred by her mother's frustration, disregarded the question and called for the harem aghas. The heavy doors swung open, revealing two aghas who entered, dragging a weeping woman behind them. They threw her to the floor, and as she sobbed, Rana-Beyhan introduced her.

"This is Sena Hatun. She has worked for me since I got married," Rana-Beyhan stated casually, turning to observe her parents' reactions. "Now she is pregnant with my husband's child."

A stunned silence settled over the room as Sultan Suleiman shot up from his seat, his fury evident. The sudden movement prompted Sena Hatun to release a terrified yelp, shrinking back while still on her knees.

"What?" Suleiman roared, his anger echoing through the room, reverberating off the opulent walls. His gaze bore into Sena Hatun, demanding an explanation that seemed impossible to fathom.

Qamar Sultan, caught between disbelief and shock, turned her attention to her daughter, seeking confirmation of the revelation that had just unfolded. "Ismail cheated on you?" she questioned, her voice carrying a mix of incredulity and concern.

 "Ismail cheated on you?" she questioned, her voice carrying a mix of incredulity and concern

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