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Adrien's POV

After going to the prison, I know I have to warn y/n, just in case.

It's been a day, and I really wanted to tell her last night. 

But I don't really know how to bring that up.

'Oh, just an FYI my psychotic dad could possibly escape jail and kidnap you again!'

I don't think so.

So as I meander my way to her house, I think about how to mention it.

Once I see the post office, an idea forms.

I've been purposely avoiding the mail in case dear ol' dad had written again, but if he has, it may help the subject along.

So I hide to detransform, let Plagg get settled in my bag, and go in.

After unlocking the box and taking out everything, I flip through it.

Just as suspected, another letter with the prison as a return address.

"Mail cheese?" Plagg asks.

I laugh and shake my head, since his magazine hasn't renewed.

He scoffs and starts looking through the bag for cheese.

I decide to go ahead and walk home to deposit everything besides the letter, and Plagg can eat.

But that was a bad idea, since a few fans run after me.

I try to be nice, but I really just want to get home, so then I can go see y/n.

When I finally get to my front door, at least a half hour has gone by, in the time it should've taken five minutes.

I go in, and when I stop by the kitchen to get some cheese, there stands Aunt Amelie, looking around in the cabinets.

"Adrien, sweetie! So glad you're back!" She says, as she turns and sees me.

I try to not seem suspicious of her, but it probably doesn't go all that well.

"Uh, hey. What are you doing?"

"Just looking for a glass! Usually I'd expect someone to get it for me, but I can't seem to find anyone."

"Oh yeah, I let them take off for a while between Christmas and New Years."

"Uh-huh. Well, where are the glasses?"

"In there." I say, nodding to a cabinet away from the one she was just searching.

"Right, thanks. Whatcha got there?" She asks, nodding to the stack of envelopes I pulled out so they wouldn't get cheese all over them.

"Just the mail."

"Ooh, anything interesting?"

"Not really. Bills, fashion stuff."

I don't exactly want her to know about the letters my father has sent.

Especially if she really has been going to see him.

"Oh yeah? What sort of fashion stuff? Do people still order things?"

"It's mostly the opposite, they cancel orders."

"Huh. I can take care of those, if you'd like. Your parents did ask me to help sometimes, when Gabriel was just getting started."

"I don't know, it's not that hard, I can do it."

"Well ok, but if you ever need help with it just ask."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now