Claws out.

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After everyone finished eating, you remember something.

"Guys, remember. We can not! I repeat, can not! tell anyone that we know Cat Noir's secret identity, and we DEFINITELY can't tell anyone who he is! I'm talking to you, s/n!"

"You mean I can't tell my friends I know Cat Noir?"

"You can say you know him, but you can't tell them who he is!"


"Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate it, if word got out that I was Cat Noir, I don't even know what would happen."

"It'd be bad!" You input.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Your mom promises.

"Neither will I." Your dad agrees.

"S/n? You pinky promise?" You ask, sticking your little finger out to them.

They wrap theirs around yours and promise.

"Good. Now, what's for dessert?"

Adrien's POV

After dessert, and talking for a while, I think Mr. L/n probably wants me to go.

So, I get up, thank them for the meal, and for having me over, and walk to the door, y/n following.

She hugs me, and whispers in my ear.

"Are you coming back tonight?"

"You mean you're not tired of me?" I tease

"Course not!"

"I dunno yet. If I'm not here by 10:30 go ahead and sleep. I'll probably text, also."

"K. See you later, maybe."

"Later, maybe."

We split apart, and I transform, before walking out.

If anyone saw Cat Noir going in, they can't see Adrien Agreste coming out.

I jump home, relishing in the fact that I can freely hang out with y/n anytime.

I quickly duck into an alley, and detransform, then give Plagg more cheese.

"Why didn't you just go into your room?" He asks.

"Felix saw me leave as Adrien, if I never came back through the door, he'd get suspicious.

"Oh yeah."

Plagg hides in my shirt and I go in, to find Felix hasn't moved.

Lucky thing I didn't just go through the window.

"So how was dinner?" Felix asks.

"It was good." I reply and continue on my way to my room.

I check my clock, it's almost 8.

I stayed longer than I thought.

There's still a while before I can go back to y/n's house, so I might as well watch a movie or read something.

I change into pajamas first, though.

No need to not be comfortable.

I turn an action movie on, but never really get interested, though Plagg seems to enjoy the destruction.

Before I realize it, I feel my eyes getting heavier by the minute.

I'm more tired than I realized.

I don't even have time to text y/n I'm not going to be able to come over before I fall asleep.

3rd person Felix POV

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