Obligatory Inspection

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As it had been a few days since you'd seen bff/n, you'd invited her over to spend the day with you, being a Saturday there was no school needs.

She'd come over around noon, and the two of you had been mostly in your room, just catching up on things.

"Soooo, how's the angel and her kitty?" Bff/n teases.

You giggle and say, "We're doing great! He's the best boyfriend ever. Last night, he took me too the Eiffel and we danced to the same song as at the party. It was amazing!"

"Aww! My dates from that haven't been nearly as good. Though the first guy is better than the rest."

"Well it's their loss, really."

"I know." She says, giving a mock hair flip, making you laugh.

Of course you'd texted her about getting together with Cat, and that he told you and your family his identity, and the reason, but you didn't tell her who he is, and she didn't push.

It had been decided that she'd sleep over, so you were going to text Cat that you'd be busy, but bff/n had stopped you.

"Uh-uh. He's gotta have the obligatory boyfriend inspection!" She'd said, and you figured it couldn't be much worse than Nadjia Chamack or Alya.

"Yeah yeah, but nothing too intense. Nothing super personal."

"I know, I can't find out his identity, but I can still find out what I need to make sure he's alright."

"Bff/n, he's a superhero! Of course he's alright!"

"We'll see." She says, pretending to be ominous, but ends up laughing.

"Can I at least tell him you'll be here?"

"No no, I want it to be a surprise. If he knows he could make up a story!" She teases.

"As if!"

"Ooh! We should prank him!"


"I dunno. I'll think of something, don't worry."

"Oh I wasn't worried."


You laugh and playfully roll your eyes.

By the time everyone else had gone to bed, with the instructions to be quiet, you and bff/n, were sitting on your bed, trying to not laugh too loudly at each other.

"Hey, what time does Cat usually come over?" Bff/n asks.

You check the clock, to see it's just after 10.

"Uh, about now, actually."

"Good. Go to the balcony!"

"Okay? Are you coming too?"

"Nope! And remember, don't tell him that I'm here!"

"Whatever." You just shrug and do as she says.

Stepping outside, and leaving the door open upon request, you wait by the railing.

It's not long before you can see him, jumping from roof to roof.

He quickly arrives, and drops beside you.

"Hi Angel!" He says.

"Hey Kitty!" You reply, and give him a hug, which he gladly returns.

After pulling apart, he stands beside you against the rails, leaving one arm around your shoulders.

"Another beautiful night, huh?" He remarks.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now