The Purrfect Career

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You'd already gotten into a sort of routine, and felt a little off not going to Master Fu's the day after you declined the Guardian position.

But it all felt worth it when you hear the familiar knock at the balcony door.

You rush over to find Adrien engulfed in light, making you close your eyes for a moment.

When you open them Plagg is downing his cheese, then zipping away.

"Jeez, for a second there I thought you were an angel!"

"Nah, that pawsition has been filled."

"Mmhmm." You hum as you pull him inside, out of the cold.

"Beclawse who else but an angel would allow me her fafurite hoodie?" He puns, shrugging out of the hoodie and giving it to you.

"Good point. Especially since I knew you'd steal it again."

He laughs as you return the clothing to where it belongs.

You'd given it to him since you'd been late to answering his knock, as he'd come while you were out.

Before you can speak again, your doorknob rattles.

You usually lock it so nobody comes in while he's around, so nobody comes in, but there's a knock.

"Hide!!" You hiss to Adrien before going to the door.

"Why are you still up?!" You ask your sibling as they enter your room.

"I went to the bathroom. But then I heard you talking and I wanted to see Cat Noir!"

"Well he's not here."

"Then who were you talking to?"

"I was on the phone."

"Sure. Anyway, did you ask him about Career Day?!"

"Uh, no, I haven't seen him that much the past few days."

"Well hurry up and ask him! It's in two days!"

"S/n, I really don't think he'd come to your school."

"Why not?"

"He's really busy."

"But he's not fighting bad guys anymore!"

"He still has plenty to do!"

"I bet he would if you did like I said and told him that you'd-" They say, but you cut in.

"I'm not going to tell him that! Now go to bed, or I'll go get Mom and Dad!"

"Tattletale!!" They call you as they leave.

You shut and lock the door behind them, then find Adrien.

He'd jumped to the floor behind the bed, out of sight.

"Does s/n want to be a model?" He asks as he gets up.

"No, a super hero."

"Well it's definitely more interesting." He says, plopping onto your bed.

"Yeah, but anyway, apparently all their little friends have been hearing about how they know you." You groan, rubbing your eyes and sitting on the bed beside him.

"But not anything important, right?!" He says with mild panic.

"No, I don't know if it's even been mentioned how they know you, but you're still wanted for Career Day."

"I probably shouldn't, although, I am curious about what sounds like a bribery?"

You laugh, feeling your face heat up.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now