Back To School

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Adrien's POV

Monday morning.

Time to go back to school.

Most people probably wouldn't like having to go back, but I'm excited to see all my friends and try and have things as normal as possible.

Of course, things won't ever be the same, the fact that my father could do something so horrible will always be there.

My friends will be probably be reminding me of it all day.

Not intentionally, of course, just checking up on me.

I appreciate their care, I really do, I'd just prefer to not be the center of attention.

But who knows, they may not even talk about.

"Plagg! Where are you? It's time to go!" I quietly call.

"Ugh, I'm here. Why do we have to go?"

"Because, it's Monday."


"School day."

"Ughhhh, be sure to put lots of cheese in your bag."

"Will do." I say and laugh.

Grabbing a few extra pieces, I arrange them in my bag and let him get settled.

I go downstairs, and start eating the breakfast that was prepared for me.

There's a flower in the little vase on the tray, I look it over as I eat.

I should do something for y/n.

Maybe bring her some more candy.

The clock chimes 7:30, so I quickly finish and get going.

The Gorilla is waiting for me, so I just get in the car and buckle the seatbelt as it starts moving.

I gaze out the window, watching Paris coming alive for the day.

Stores opening, people going to work or school.

Before I know it we arrive at the school, so I thank Gorilla and get out.

"Adrikins!!" I immediately hear.

Chloe throws herself at me, so I awkwardly hug her back.

"I missed you so much! I almost had to talk to some of these peasants!"

"They're nice people Chlo," I try to remind her, even though I know it's no use.

"Whatever you say Adrikins."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and continue on towards the building's entrance.

"Dude!" Nino calls to me.

"Hey Nino!" I say as I walk over to him and Alya, who he's got his arm around.

"Hi Adrien," Alya says, "How're you doing?"

"Pretty good. How are you doing?" I redirect the question.

"About the same."

We continue talking until the bell rings, so we all go to Miss Bustier's class and take our seats.

Just as the bell rings for the last time and we're about to start, the door bursts open and Marinette runs in, quickly saying an apology.

"Marinette, you really must try harder to be on time!" Miss Bustier reprimands.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Well, know that everyone is here, we can get on with the lesson." She says, and starts telling us our next assignment for the day.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now