Date Night

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Adrien's POV

After school and fencing, I check my phone and find Mom has texted to say she's out with The Gorilla, and asks if I need them to come pick me up.

I tell her I don't, because I received another text saying Cat Noir is expected at a certain restaurant.

So I get out of the school building and hide to transform.

I start making my way there, but before I reach my destination I'm hailed from the ground.

Before I really take notice of anything, I get down there and start to regret it, because the one who called for me was my mother.

"Um, do you need help, Ma'am?" I ask, trying to disguise my voice.

"Not exactly! You see, I'm told that one of the hero's on your team helped me quite a lot. I wasn't able to thank her at the time, but I'd really like to! Is there any way to contact her?" She asks.

If she can tell anything, she doesn't show it.

"Uh, who was it?"


"Right, well she's not always available."

"Oh, dear. I was hoping to do something nice for her, since she helped me so much!"

"I'll be sure to tell her you said that, when I see her again. But it's alright, we do it all for free!"

"Right. I would still feel better if I could at least get her something! Her favorite pastry, perhaps?"

"I'll ask about it. Thank you for your consideration, though!"

"Yes, of course. I won't hold you up any longer, it seems you're in a rush!"

"A little. Uh, bye!"

"Goodbye!" She calls after me as I leave.

Hopefully she couldn't tell it was me.

Would she let me know if she knew?

I also wonder if she really does want to do something nice because Equina helped her, or if she's just trying to get me a date again.

Why does she want me to have a relationship so badly?

Is it really that obvious that I'm in love?

How could she know that, I always dodge her questions, and it's not like she's ever seen me with y/n.

Except at the restaurant, but we didn't really have any clear interactions until we were outside.

Before I realize how lost in thought I am, I notice I've went a little too far, so I have to backtrack.

I start to go inside, but then y/n appears from the patio area.

"Now didn't you see the sign? It says no cats allowed!" She says.

I look over the door and find what she's talking about, a no animals sign with a cat inside the slashed circle.

"How rude! If I can't go in, why did you wanna come here?" I ask, pretending to be offended.

"Because they have good food, even if they don't allow the nicest patrons." She responds, gesturing to the takeout bag she's carrying.

"So now where do we go?"

"Just follow me. Come on Kitty Kitty." She laughs, taking my hand and starting our journey.

I laugh and follow her as she takes me out of the heart of the city.

"Gee, if I were with anyone else I'd think I was gonna get murdered."

"Uhh, is that supposed to mean you like, trust me or you think I couldn't fight you?"

"I don't know. I think it's saying I've been watching too many mystery movies."

"Yeah. And I totally could fight you, anyway."

"Oh yeah?"

"Uh-huh." She says, sounding smug.

"I believe it. I've seen you fight, I don't want any part of that."

"I wasn't even thinking about that, my thoughts were more along the lines of..." She trails off, turning to face me.

"Of what?" I ask, feeling sudden chills as she stares into my eyes.

She suddenly starts getting closer and closer to my face, and I think she's going to kiss me, but then I'm on the ground.

"What the?!" I splutter.

I look up to find her cackling, but still reaching out a hand to help me up.

"How did you do that?!"

"The same way you make me squeal like a pig if in trying to keep a secret. And I just swiped your legs out from under you. And I knew it wouldn't hurt you, cause now we're in the grass, which means we're almost there!"

"I can't object to that logic." I say, then take her hand and stand up.

We continue off, with our hands still together until we reach a big hill.

I can see a few trees at the top, along with a soft glow, but I think that's from the sunset.

"Ok, since you made me do it, you gotta close your eyes. And no peeking!" Y/n says, stopping before we start to climb the hill.

"Yes ma'am!" I say, dutifully closing my eyes.

She leads me along and I can feel the ground sloping upwards, before we reach the crest of the hill and it flattens out.

"Don't open your eyes yet!" 

I do as told, and wait while I listen to her moving around, rustling the bag of food, and then it's mostly silent.

I almost jump when she takes my hand again, but she tells me to open my eyes, so I do and find a pretty picnic.

"Oh, Angel! It's beautiful!" I smile at her, then she pulls me over to the blanket on the ground.

"You usually plan our dates, so I thought it was about time I plan something!"

"Well your plan turned out wonderful! And this food looks great!"

She grins widely as we sit down together, facing the sunset that we can see beautifully from here.

"How did you know about this place?" I ask.

"I actually came to a wedding here once. I thought it was a super romantic spot, so when I wanted to do something, I thought about here."

"I'm glad you did. And I'm glad you got the food at that place, even if they wouldn't like a cat having it." I respond, then take another bite.

We finish our food, then lay back and watch the stars come out for a while.

I tell her about how my mom wants to see her.

"Do you think she really wants to thank me, or is she just trying to set me up with her son?" She asks.

"Maybe both. Would you be opposed if she did try?"

"I don't know, he's pretty cute."

I laugh, but still I wonder how Master Fu would take to that idea.

Not well, I'd assume.

Although we would both like to stay much longer, we eventually decide we better be getting back, so we gather up everything, and it's decided that I should carry y/n, and she should carry the bags of trash and blankets and all.

With me running along the rooftops, it doesn't take as long to return, as it did to get there.

We say goodnight on her balcony, before I have to go home and do my homework.

Hopefully Mom isn't too concerned with why it's taken me so long to get home.

Hello dearies! Hope you enjoyed! Btw, I tried to find out how feasible it would be to walk from the middle of Paris to the outer parts, but I couldn't find anything to tell me, so let's just assume it's possible to do in an evening 😬🤣

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