Falling for Ya

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"Hawkmoth?! What?! How?!" You exclaim after your initial shock.

Although, it isn't truly Hawkmoth, it's just his civilian form.

"That is nothing of your concern, you are merely bait!" He responds, reaching to grab the fist you raised.

You back away from him, getting ready to swing.

"Oh please." He sneers, moving away as you punch at him.

You keep punching and kicking, but barely do anything.

It feels like a long time, but must only be a few seconds.

Suddenly he grabs your arm and twists it behind you, making you groan in pain.

"Ow! What are you doing?!" You grunt as he starts pulling you towards the edge of the Tower.

"The reasoning for your being here is about to arrive." He responds, turning you to see Cat Noir racing towards you.

You don't know whether to be relieved or scared for you both.

You can't really see it, but you think his appearance changes again.

"Oh Cat Noir! You better hurry!" He yells in a girlish voice.

He's reached the edge of the Tower now, and is holding you against the railing.

You remember what happened with Felix and hope you don't get a repeat of that experience.

As Cat gets closer you feel yourself hoisted up and over the railing.

"You can stop with the illusions, Volpina! Where's y/n?!" Cat yells.

"Why, she's right here!" Hawkmoth responds in the same feminine voice, jiggling you up and down by the arm.

You hiss as a sharp pain shoots through your arm.

"Yeah, right!"

"So you don't mind if I drop her?" He asks, shaking you again.

"Would you stop that?!" You yell.

You think you hear Cat gasp.

"If you give me your miraculous I won't do it."

You try to angle your head to be able to look down to where he's making his way up the side of the Tower, and can somewhat see him.

He bites his lip, and looks down, then looks up again with a scared face.

"Tick Tock!" Hawkmoth says, once again shaking you.

"How can I be sure if this is real?"

"I could drop her, and if she splatters or not then we'll know!"

"You could not! Cat, it's me, but don't give him your miraculous!" You shout.

Cat's mouth moves, but you can't hear anything.

"You better give it, or else y/n here is gonna start slipping! Oh no!" Hawkmoth says with a false tone of fear, while starting to loosen his grip.

"Stop! Don't drop her!"

"Yeah, don't drop me!"

Before Hawkmoth can say anything you hear a zinging sound and suddenly he's yanked away, dropping your arm and letting you free fall.

You let out an involuntary scream, hearing Cat Noir's yells as well.

"Cat! Help!"

"I'm coming!!" He yells, and you try to twist around to be able to see him.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now