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Adrien's POV

I wait with Aunt Amelie at the hospital to take Mom home.

She walks out of the room wearing some of her old clothes we'd brought her, and talks a minute to the doctor waiting for her.

"Let's go! I'm ready to get home!" She says as she walks over.

We all go to the car, where Mom greets The Gorilla happily.

He gives a barely noticeable smile, and we pile into the car.

Once we get home, Mom looks around and gets herself reacquainted with the place.

"Hasn't changed too much." She mentions, looking at the furniture and everything.

"Though this is new." She mentions, gesturing to my photo wall.

"Yeah. I'm not sure why that's still here, I was gonna get rid of it."

"Well, you look very nice." She tries to make the best of it.

"Right. I don't know if anything has changed in your room, I never went in there before, and I still don't, so you can just check for yourself." I shrug.

"I'm told my room is just across the hall, just like when we were children!" Aunt Amelie says.

They go off together to examine Mom's things, and since I don't want to go in there, I head to my own room.

But on the way, I run into Felix.

"I'm glad your mom is back." He says.

"Me too." I say, trying to walk past.

"So I guess we'll be leaving soon. I'm sure you'll be happy about that."

"I wouldn't say that."

It's not a lie, I wouldn't say that, because I don't mind Aunt Amelie staying here, now that I know she's not working with my father.

Felix, on the other hand.

It wouldn't be so bad if he left.

"Right. I'm sure you'd just love for us to stay." He says sarcastically.

"If you're trying to start something, I'm not interested." I say, continuing to try to leave, but Felix has positioned himself directly in my path, where I'd have to physically move him to get through.

It might be fun, but I wouldn't want to ruin Mom's first day back home.

"Oh no, I'm just making observations."

"Great. Well if you'll excuse me-"

"Speaking of observations, I wonder how long it'll be until your mother observes how similar you look to a superhero." He says in an offhanded way.

"We look pretty much the same. You could just as likely be Cat Noir, judging by looks."

"Yes, but I haven't been in Paris until the need for superheros mostly died down."

"I'll find a way to keep things under wraps."

I already did with him.

Once I found out about the potion we gave Lila and my father, I asked for some more to give Felix.

He doesn't even know, I just poured it into his drink at dinner.

It might be kinda wrong, but I doubt he'd drink it willingly.

"Of course you will. It will be sooo hard to figure it out, I mean, it took me days!" He smirks as he finally moves out of my way and slips past.

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