... Lost You...

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Adrien's POV

I wake up to find the credits of the movie I had turned on rolling, and look around to find the clock reading I've been out for a while.

I forgot to text y/n! I think and cringe, but I did tell her to go ahead and sleep, so she's probably not worried or anything.

I guess I should text her anyway, just in case.

"Plagg?" I whisper, unable to see him.

"Plagg?" A little louder.

"Plagg!" Still nothing.

I get up, and he's nowhere to be found.

Not in his cheese stash, not in the clothes hamper, he hasn't even snuck to the kitchen.

I have a feeling something is wrong, but it's not until I look at my hand that I realize just what it is.

My ring is gone.

But how could this have happened!?

Did it fall off in bed? That's never happened before!

Besides, that wouldn't explain Plagg's disappearance, he would only disappear if I'd wanted him to.

What if...

What if someone took it?!

But who, and why?

Surely nobody would know what it really is?!

Besides, who would have the chance?

Most off the staff is gone by 8:30.

So that leaves Felix and Aunt Amelie.

And she surely wouldn't take it, the only rings she's ever wanted were my parent's wedding bands.

That must mean Felix.

I should've seen it coming, he's must've been spying on me or something and saw me transform.

He's probably especially mad at me now, since I "threatened" him.

And that's what he's doing, getting revenge.

In the worst way.

He'll take it out on y/n.

I have to get over there!

Without even taking time to change, I just put on shoes, get my scooter, and go as fast as possible to her house.

I'm within seeing distance, and can definitely tell Felix stole my ring, and is apparently trying to convince y/n that he is me.

She's not buying it though, so he's trying to force it. I'm almost there, when I hit a rock and crash.

When I look up, Felix is shoving y/n, who is against the rail, and she slips over.

"NO!!" I yell as I get up and run faster than I ever have before.


You felt yourself slipping, falling the two floors to the ground below.

Bracing for impact, you hope for survival.

But the expected impact never comes.

Instead, a strong pair of arms, catching you before the cement can.

"Y/n? Y/n, please! Please tell me you're ok!" A voice pleads, making you regain control of your tightly clenched body, and open your eyes to find teary green ones staring down at you.

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