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As you watch the two pairs of lips come together, you feel like you've just been sucker punched in the stomach.

Unable to really do anything, your body's autopilot takes over, and your legs run to the door.

You flee out into the night, and realize that your cheeks have become wet.

Reaching up, you feel a fresh tear make it's way down.

After you've gotten at least halfway home, a cold gust of air blows by, making you remember the jacket you'd left.

"No way I'm going back." You mutter to yourself and press on.

The cold wind almost seems to freeze your tears, but you just wrap your arms around yourself and keep going.

You finally see your house, and jog the last stretch.

Opening the door, you're relived to feel the warm air greet you.

"Back already?" Your mom asks, poking her head around the corner.

"Uh, yeah. I just couldn't stay."

"Why not?"

"Not enough food." You attempt to joke, though you're really not in the mood for it.

She laughs, before asking where Adrien is.

"I thought he would walk you home, since it's dark."

"He already left." You fib.

Already left my feelings in the dirt.

Your mother accepts this answer, and goes back to whatever she was doing. You go up to your room, and flop onto the bed.

"People say, we shouldn't be together, we're too young to know about forever-" Your phone starts singing, announcing a call from "AdriKitty💚🖤".

You decline the call, muttering, "Maybe those people were right."

Another call comes in, and some texts, which you ignore all of.

Before long, your family tells you goodnight and goes to bed, so you get ready.

While dressing after your shower, you hear the usual knock at your balcony.

Adrien's POV

After arriving at Alya's house and seeing Lila there, I'd stayed around the door for a while, wanting to alert y/n when she got there.

When she comes in after our phone conversation, I tell her and Marinette, who'd entered with y/n.

They both show clear distaste, before Marinette goes off somewhere, and y/n and I stand together against a wall, watching everybody else.

We dance around with a few upbeat songs, but hang back during any slow ones.

I can tell just from her eyes that she wants to dance as badly as I do.

But that would probably end up disastrous.

So, we just stand together until Alya announces a game.

Everyone shuffles around, and somehow I get situated next to Kim, and y/n is close to the kitchen.

Before Alya even tells us what game we're playing, y/n slips away and goes to the snacks.

I try to conceal a laugh, and listen to Alya saying the game is Truth Or Dare, and then asking who wants to go first.

"I do! Lila, truth or dare?" Kim asks.

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