Horsing Around

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You walk over to the balcony door before Cat even got the chance to knock, because you'd heard him land.

"Heyy Kitty!" You grin.

"Oh my gosh." He says, starting to laugh.

He'd noticed the pajamas you'd ordered online, which were Cat Noir themed.

The store of course also had Ladybug and other supers, Rena Rouge and Carapace all the time, then a few others at special times.

He detransforms, and Plagg appears, shaking his head.

"You guys can be cheesier than me." He says, looking you both over.

You quickly realize what he meant as you take in Adrien's outfit, the very limited edition Equina pajamas.

"You look pawsitively purrfect, Angel!"

"And I'm not horsing around when I say you look like the mane event!"

He chuckles and follows you inside.

You flop onto the bed and let Adrien curl up with you.

"So, I have an idea." You say.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Well, s/n and my dad are both going to sleeping away on the same night during the weekend."


"And it's just gonna be me and Mom here."

"And your mom isn't as strict as your dad?"

"Yep. So I was thinking we might get to have that sleepover after all!"

"Yay!! I hope we can, I'll have to figure out something to tell Mom."

"Right. Although I haven't asked yet, but I think Mom should let us."

"That would be so fun!"

"Right?! I'm gonna ask her tomorrow, I just wanted to get your input first."

"What, you didn't think I wouldn't want to, did ya?"

"Well I thought you might be against sharing with Shadow all night." You tease.

"I think I can manage." He chuckles.

You giggle and try to pet him.

"Angellll!" He says, scrunching up his nose.

"Kittyyyy!" You respond with a laugh, trying to imitate his face.

"You look so cute when you do that." He says.

"You do too." You retort, making him blush.

"Y'know, to be as flirty as you are, it sure is easy to make you blush."

"Guess I'm still not used to someone flirting back." He grins shyly.

"Hey, I don't mind. You make a cute tomato."

He laughs again, making you grin.

"I think I laugh more with you than anyone else, Angel. Especially during bad times."

"Glad to help, Kitty. Laughing is good medicine."

"Yep! I won't need any purramedics with you around!"

You giggle at his pun, but are cut off with a yawn.

"Are you tired? I can go so you can sleep, if you want?" Adrien suggests.

"Oh, no! I'm fine. I just woke up a little earlier than usual today, Shadow wanted breakfast and then I couldn't get back to sleep."

"Shame shame. I don't wake you up early."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now