Family Dinner

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Adrien's POV

I'm so nervous, what if y/n's family doesn't like me?

And what if I don't like them?

What if they think I'm not good enough for her?

I think that.

What if they try to make us break up?

We just got together!

I can't leave her.

Being with y/n has been the best time of my life.

I've always wanted to love someone the way I do her.

Thinking I loved Ladybug like that was totally wrong on my part.

I thought she would eventually fall for me, but now I know we were just meant to be friends.

It wouldn't have worked out anyway, she would never reveal herself.

And I'm not going to force anything.

I check the time, as I've been doing all evening.


I quickly get a fresh pair of clothes and take a shower.

When I get out, ten minutes have gone bye.

I should get going, y/n said 6ish.

Wouldn't want to be late.

I give Plagg some cheese, and tell him to hide in my shirt pocket.

Once we're ready, I go downstairs.

Felix is there, reading some magazine.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"To get dinner. I want something different." It's not entirely a lie.


"Not sure yet." Also, not a lie.

I have no idea what we're eating.

"Have fun then."

"I'll try."

I doubt this'll be much fun, but here goes.

Before I transform, I go into a flower shop and get a single red flower.

I've never brought y/n a flower before, I think she prefers candies.

But maybe this'll help win over her parents?

I make my way to her house, almost jumping to the balcony, just out of habit, before remembering the front door is probably a better option this time.

I knock, the moment of truth.


You hear the knock, and immediately bite your lip in worry.

"I'll get it!" You announce, and quickly walk over.

You open it to find Cat Noir standing there awkwardly, holding a flower.

"Hey Ki-at." You quickly catch yourself.

"Hi, y/n. Um, this is for you!" He smiles awkwardly and hands you the flower.

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