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Adrien's POV

I get to school, dreading the thought of seeing Marinette.

But when classes are ready to begin and she hasn't come in.

Miss Bustier doesn't seem to notice, so maybe she called in.

I'm just happy I don't have to see her until Monday.

During lunch Alya mentions that Marinette had said she was sick, but I keep thinking about how to ask Nino if he would cover for me.

I've never had a real sleepover with him, and it seems weird to pretend.

The other times I've spent the night at y/n's, I left late and returned early, so nobody noticed, except Felix, but it would be better to leave early and return late this time.

What if I just came clean?

Would it be really bad?

After school, I mention to Nino that I'm staying over at y/n's, just asking for advice on how to keep it a secret.

"Dude, just tell your mom you'll be with me. You could even give her my digits, in case. If she texts, I'll cover you."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Bro, it's not hard. Of course I don't!"

"Thanks, Nino. You're the best!"

"You already knew that, though."

"Yep." We can't talk any longer because my car pulls up.

The ride is of course silent.

I wish my bodyguard would talk, I don't know why he never does.

We get home, and I find Mom.

She's in the study, going over some of Father's last designs.

Is she planning to try and sell more?

Nobody is gonna buy from Hawkmoth.

"Hey, Mom!"

"Hi, Honey. How was school?"

"Not too bad. We had a test in math."

"Fun." She says absentmindedly.

"I guess. Um, would it be OK if I had a sleepover?"

"With who?"

"Uh, Nino."

"Will his parents be there?"


"Yeah, sure, just be polite, and thank your hosts."

"Will do!"

She goes back to her papers, and I run out before she realizes she didn't really pay attention and starts asking more questions.

"Pack lots of cheese!" Plagg suggests as he watches me gather some things.

"Get what you want."

I laugh as he grabs everything he can carry and dumps it into my bag.

"That better not melt all over my clothes."

"But then you'll have the best cologne ever! Way better than your carefree and dreamy stuff."

I chuckle at him and continue packing around his cheese.

I text y/n to ask when I should come over, and she says her dad had already left, and s/n will soon.

So I decide to wait about an hour.

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