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As you stare in shock at Lila, now looking very smug through her black eye, busted lip and a few more assorted injuries, you feel Cat Noir's grip on your hand tighten.

"Would you like your other eye to match?" He asks coldly.

Ladybug shoots you a glance, to which you respond with a look that you hope conveys "Maybe we should just let him.".

She seems to consider it for a second, then shakes her head.

So instead of letting go of his hand, you squeeze it, making him look at you, and his face instantly softens.

You give him a look as you shake your head.

He takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly and looks back to the pair across the table.

"You are in no position to be giving demands." Ladybug speaks up, gesturing to their handcuffs.

"And neither are you, considering we know what we do." Lila responds.

"We'll get you put in solitary confinement." Cat suggests.

"We will be talking to someone whenever possible. And you know how fast word spreads." Lila says, giving you a meaningful look.

But in doing so, she reminds you of the fact that she is a pathological liar.

"Psst!" You whisper to Cat, who quickly leans over where you can whisper to him.

"We can just tell everyone she's a complete liar, and say it's a medical condition. It probably is, to be honest. So no matter what she says, even if it's actually true, nobody will believe her!"

"You're a genius!" He says, then leans over to relay the information to Ladybug, who nods along.

"What are you whispering about?!" Mr. Agreste asks frustratedly.

"Why should we believe you, Lila? All you do is tell lies. It's right in your name!" You say, ignoring the question.

"Just because you know that doesn't mean everyone else does." She replies, sounding as smug as she looks.

"Really? Who do you think they'll listen to? Someone who's been terrorizing them for years, and someone who helped him? Who has already been exposed as a liar to quite  a few people? Or their beloved superheros?" You recite a phrase she'd used.

Her smug look falls away, and they share a glance.

"I think we've heard enough to know that you both are criminally insane, and should be locked up forever." Cat says, as the three of you stand up.

"Yes, this recording, along with our testimony will do nicely to prove so." Ladybug says, picking up the recording device.

As you pass Lila on the way to the door, Cat hits her, then you.

"That's for kissing me!"/That's for kissing my boyfriend!" You say in unison.

"Were we allowed to do that?" You ask Cat as you follow him out.

"Who cares? It needed to be done."

"I will be taking this recording and editing only the parts mentioning our secret identities, then I will have it back to you by tomorrow." Ladybug says to the people waiting.

"And until everything is decided, we suggest solitary confinement. Miss Rossi is a pathological liar, and basically everything she says is untrue, but she's good at making it seem real. So she could rally up anyone around her, and get them to do things for her. And so could Mr. Agreste, he's gotten used to people doing everything he says, and he won't stop until he accomplishes that." Cat informs them.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now