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Felix 3rd person POV

After fencing, Adrien went to his room so Felix went to his temporary one.

He quickly got oh his phone and went to Google.

After searching for a while, he found what he was looking for.

The Ladyblog video that was just posted after a statue had been found.

It was a video explaining about how the miraculous were special jewels, and how they got their power.

Little things called kwamis, apparently.

Felix thinks about the raspy voice Adrien was talking to, and assumed that was his kwami.

And "Claws out" must be what he says to get his power. He thinks.

How could I get that power?

He thinks for a while, until coming up with a plan.

Later, when Adrien has went downstairs for dinner along with Amile, Felix sneaks into Adrien's room.

After snooping around for a bit, he finds what he's looking for.

A set of Adrien's clothes.

He quickly takes them to his guest room, and hides them in the bed.

When he's done, he goes downstairs as if nothing's happened.

You were sitting with your family, having dinner, when your little sister/brother says something very unexpected.

"Y/n, when can I meet Cat Noir?"

It almost causes you to choke on the bite you'd just taken.

"W-what?!" You splutter.

"Cat Noir. Your friend."

"What are you talking about s/n?!" (Sibling name)

"Yeah, why would you think y/n is friends with Cat Noir?" Your mom interrupts.

"Well, last night I was up getting water, when I heard y/n talking to somebody, so I opened the door, and saw you talking to Cat Noir on your balcony. But then I was too sleepy to meet him, so I went to bed. I'm not sleepy now though!" She/he explains.

"Really? And why exactly was Cat Noir, on your balcony, y/n?" Your father asks.

"I, um, he was just saying hello." You falter.

"How come? Why would he want to say hello to you?" He presses on.

"And why was he hugging you if he just wanted to say hello?" S/n asks.

"Hugging you?" Your dad continues, raising his eyebrows.

"W-well, I was on m-my balcony, and he was going by so he said hello."

"And he thought a hug was a good was to say hello?"

"Was he the reason you went to that dance? You were dressed as him." Your mother inputs.

"And more importantly, was he your date?!" Your dad asks sternly.

"No! No, we were only friends!" You protest.


"Uh, umm, yeah."

"Does that mean you're not friends anymore?" Your mom asks.

"You could say that." You try not to give anything away.

S/n has really done it this time.

"So why was he saying hello if you're not friends anymore?" Dad continues.

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