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As you're walking towards the park to read in the quiet you hear a giant crash sound.

You look around startled and spot someone standing atop a small purple plane flying around shooting white beams everywhere.

Ugh, another akuma! Guess I'm not gonna get that quiet reading time...

You run behind a car, but then the car gets zapped.

So you run behind a tree.

"I am Round Trip! Nobody respects the flight attendants, so I won't respect you anymore!"

"Seriously, Hawkmoth will akumatize anyone for anything these days!" You think aloud

"Agreed, some reasons are just dumb! I wonder what happened, someone got mad because she didn't have the little peanuts?" You hear a familiar voice behind you.

"Aahh!" You turn around quickly then relax, as it's only Cat Noir.

"Looks like I'm visiting early today huh?" he says with a laugh.

"Cat, this really isn't the time to be joking, you gotta go fight her!"

"Oh angel, it's always the time for a joke! But you're right, I better go help LB, you stay safe!"

He turns toward Round Trip, who's still beaming people.

You smile at him, shaking your head and watch the battle.

But then things go wrong.

Just as Cat Noir calls for his Cataclysm, Round Trip tries to shoot a beam at him but he jumps away just in time.

He then lunges at her, and gets the akumatize object, which was the plane on which she stood, but not before she got in a good kick to his stomach.

"Cat!" You screech and he looks at you, startled.

"Y/n! Stay over there!"

But you run over to him anyway, Ladybug is already cleansing the akuma, so what's it matter?

"Y/n, what are you doing, you could get hurt!"

"She's defeated anyway, what's the big deal?"

"I just don't want Hawkmoth seeing you help me, he may find out we're friends and get you or something!" he says frantically.

"Oohhh. Right." You have that 'Crap, I messed up bad' look on your face.

"But I still couldn't just leave you, you're injured!"

"Miraculous Ladybug!" You hear and suddenly ladybugs are around you both.


"See? I'm fine, her Miraculous Ladybug fixes everything, including any injuries! So you didn't have to worry!"

"Oh. Whoops."

"Now I've gotta go, my time is almost up, but I'll visit you tonight, ok?"

"Ok, see you later!"

He runs off and you finally get to the park to read.

~~~~~~~~~That Night~~~~~~~~~

You're laying on your bed doing schoolwork when you hear him knock.

It's a bit later than usual.

You walk over to the balcony door and let him in.

He comes in and settles himself on your bed, and you walk over to him.

"You better hope Hawkmoth didn't see you!" he says sternly, but worriedly.

"I know, I know. I wasn't thinking. I was just scared that you were hurt!"

"Aw, y/n, you don't have to be so worried, I'm a superhero, these things come with the job, I'm used to it! I even got partially Cataclysmed once! It was a akuma fake, but still."


"Whoa, keep your voice down! Your family is probably asleep!"

"They are, but still! You got Cataclysmed!?"

"Yeah, but it was just a fake, and I'm totally fine!"

"Cat, you really gotta be careful!"

He chuckles, "I am careful, don't worry about me, I can take a little kick, you should know."

He muttered the last part but you still heard it.

"What do you mean, 'I should know'!?

"Well, it's just that, uhm, when you uh, when you were akumatized, you kicked pretty hard, that's all." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ohmigosh Cat! I'm so sorry!" your hands fly to your mouth in horror.

He laughs, "It's ok, you couldn't control it, besides, if I was upset about stuff like that, I wouldn't talk to anyone at my school!"

You giggle. "Yeah, but still, I don't like the thought of me hurting you. You're a really good friend to me, and I don't like hurting my friends."

"Aw y/n! You're my good friend too, I'm actually kinda glad you were akumatized!"

"What?!" You say puzzled.

He laughs a little, "I mean, if you hadn't been, we never would have met, and I wouldn't have such a good friend I can talk to about superhero stuff! I don't have any other friends I can talk to about that kind of thing."

"Ohh. Well, I guess I'm glad too then! And I'm happy you can talk to me about stuff like that, I find it cool anyway hehe."

He smiles at you, and you smile back.

He looks at the time and sees its 11:30.

"Well, I gotta go, I have to get up earlier than usual tomorrow for a civilian thing."

"A what?"

"Oh, just a thing I have to do in my civilian life, I can't tell you, sadly."

"Ooh right. Ok then, I'll see you soon!"

"Bye y/n, see ya later!" he walks over to the door and waves.

You wave back and he smiles and jumps away, into the night.

You finish the school and get ready for bed, falling asleep quickly.

Hey y'all! Sorry this is so late, I had no idea what to write. Hope you enjoyed!

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now