Take Him Down

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Cat's POV

The others are confused at my actions so I turn my staff around to show them what I've discovered.

"How have we never thought of that before!?" Ladybug exclaims.

"I don't know, but at least we figured it out now."

"I'm sorry, what does that mean?" Carapace asks.

"Oh, right. We can track any active miraculous, so since Hawkmoth must be transformed, or recently been, we can track him."

"Wow! That's really cool!" Rena says.

"Yeah. So, are we ready?"

"I'm ready!" Ladybug shouts

"We're ready!" The others say in unison.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I growl.

We all start jumping toward my house, until we get to the roof across from it.

"Okay, here we go. Voyage!" I say.

The portal opens up, and I hope it's able to get us to a place where we don't just pop up next to Hawkmoth, but a hidden area.

We quickly go through the tunnel of light and end up in a dark room.

"Kaalki, Plagg, divide!" I say, and my costume goes back to normal, and Kaalki rests on my shoulder.

I give her the apple, and she eats most of it while we sit and watch.

We had landed at the start of a long walkway that stretched out before us to a strange area with bushes, roots, and an odd tube.

Wonder that's for?

"So I assume that's where butterfly boy keeps his akumas?" Carapace says.

"I guess. But the real question is, where is y/n? And Hawkmoth of course." I mutter.

"Don't worry, Cat. We'll find her." Ladybug tries to assure me.

"I know. I just want to hurry with it."

"So, let's figure out a plan. What should we do?" She says, taking charge.

"Well first, we should probably go over there, to see what there is." I say.

"Good enough start. Let's go."

We all slip quietly over, and start looking.

I glance behind the bush, and that's when I see her.
After knocking you out, Hawkmoth had tied you to a chair behind some bushes and a long tube.

And there you'd sat, hoping against hope that Cat Noir and the rest of his superhero team would figure out you were missing, and be able to find you.

Hawkmoth hadn't really caused you any physical pain, other than when he hit you over the head, and tied the ropes too tight. 

But he has caused mental pain.

"Oh ho, when Cat Noir and his friends come I'm gonna take their miraculouses, no matter what! Even if I have to-" he leans in and whispers in your ear "-kill."

That was awful enough to listen to, but then he'd rambled on about how he wanted to make them suffer for standing in his way.

He was making sure to use Cat's name, knowing that would cut all the more deeper.

After hearing your begs not to do any if it, he'd gagged you and left, saying he had to prepare something.

Now you sit there, trying to get the gag away, but having no luck.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now