Interviews And Investigations

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You wake up and remember all that happened the night before, and smile.

Yes, it was pretty weird and scary.

But, you got to be a superhero, help get rid of Hawkmoth, and his accomplice!

Plus got a clarification on everything with Cat Noir.

That's probably your favorite part.

You get up and do your usual routine.

But, instead of getting started on schoolwork, you get online.

Of course, the top search is Hawkmoth Identity.

But since you already know who it was, you ignore that and search for something else.

Cat Noir identity theories

Quite a few links come up, including one that states him and Ladybug are space aliens.

Hope that's not true. Or I kissed an alien. You think, laughing.

You look at many of the outlandish ideas, none of them really making much sense.

Not even the alien one.

Guess it's up to me. You think with determination.

Since that didn't work, you decide to look up your own lead.

Adrien Agreste is what you type into the search engine.

Pages upon pages come up for him, but most recent is Hawkmoth Is Gabriel Agreste! What's Next For Adrien?

You click it, and start remembering how all the superheros last night was worried about him.

Except Cat.

He suggested they not check on him.

Feeling happy to get another clue, you continue the search.

After a while, you're tired of looking at the screen, so you turn off the phone.

Deciding you need everything to be more clear, you get a notepad and pencil.

🖤🌟Clues 🌟🖤

You write at the top.

Underneath, you list all the reasons you think Cat could be Adrien.

1. Hair is almost the same.
2. Eyes are similar color.
3. Skin tone.
4. Cat was hesitant to check on Adrien.
5. Marinette said she knew Adrien, and Cat knew her.
6. Adrien bought the same candy that Cat had.
7. He also bought cheese, and Cat's kwami has a cheese addiction.
8. Cat seemed very upset with Hawkmoth, who is Adrien's father.
9. Adrien said my initial before 'Miss'.
10. He seemed somewhat panicked after.
11. I felt a weird zap like I've only ever felt with Cat when I touched Adrien.

That's all you can think of for now, so you close the pad and decide you need to actually do some school.

After doing some math, you feel as if your head is going to explode with numbers.

So you get some shoes, a jacket, your phone, and a book, then go out and head to the park.

When you arrive you scan the area, sizing up how many potential interruptions in your reading you may have.

There's not many people there, just a woman with who you assume to be her two young kids, and a teenage couple.

You go sit down in your favorite reading spot, a bench halfway under a tree, so if it's chilly you can sit in the sun, or if it's hot you can sit in the shade.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now