Dancing In The Dark

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Adrien's POV

Marinette and I have to turn in our report, and talk a little about it in front of the class, same as everyone else.

Hopefully we'll be able to get through it without too much awkwardness.

I would like to go back to being friends, but I don't know if she'd be up for that.

When it's our turn, we both gather our things and go up.

Marinette starts reading in a monotone voice, stuttering often, while I pitch in at times, and show some pictures.

Soon enough we get finished, and are allowed to go back to our seats.

Alya and Marinette start whispering, and Nino gives me a thumbs up.

After everyone has went up, Miss Bustier tells us all we did a good job, and gathers up our reports to start grading.

Nino passes me a note saying, Good job dude, you two totally deserve an A!

I respond with Thanks! You and Alya do too!

Thanks bro. Was it hard, having to do it after all that?

Yeah, kinda. But hopefully we didn't seem too awkward.

Nah, you did great! Nobody could even tell!

I hope not. Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea.

Before we can continue, the bell rings, so we head to our next class.

Marinette avoids me the rest of the day, and goes home for lunch again.

I guess it'll take a while to be friends again, if that even happens.

Later, when school is finished, Principle Damocles announces over the PA to remember that we'll have a new student for next week, and Rose and will be gone.

Why they didn't just do that in the first place, I have no idea.

I go to fencing and walk over to where Kagami is, talking to Felix again.

Apparently he's decided to come here for his entire stay.

Lucky us.

This week, Felix and Kagami fence each other, so I get paired with someone else.

Felix and I ride home together, with him talking about how Kagami really is the best in the school.

If I was like him, I'd suggest him having a crush on her, but I don't.


Sitting at dinner with your family, talking about what all you'd need for going to school the following week, your mom mentions punctuality, and that you'll have to show up on time for classes.

"No sleeping in, you have to get up in time to get ready and be there by the time the bell rings."

"I know, I know! Don't worry mom, I can handle it!" You protest.

"Why is y/n going to school?" S/n asks.

"Because she is going switching places with someone at the school where Adrien goes." Your mom explains.

"Who was Adrien again?" They ask.

"Cat Noir?" You remind them.

"Oh yeah!"

You roll your eyes and continue eating, before your mom goes on to the subject of Adrien.

"You should have him come back over. Maybe for a Sundae night?"

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now