Kind Kitty

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"Hi Kitty!" You say as Cat Noir drops to the balcony behind you, where you'd been waiting for him.

"Hey Angel! Claws-" He starts, but you quickly stop him.

"Don't detransform!"

"Why not?"

"Well, uh, I was kinda hoping you might take me somewhere?"

"OK, the Eiffel?" He asks, reaching to pick you up.

"Not exactly. Do you know any stores that stay open all night?"

"Yeah, one or two. Why?"

"I need something. I just have to change really quick." You say, looking down at your pajamas.

"Oh, you don't need to do all that! I can go for you, what do you need?"

"No, I really think it's best if I just go. It'll only take a second to change!"

"Angel, are you alright? What aren't you telling me?" He asks, gently taking your hand.

You wonder how he's going to react, you've heard many guys are sour about the subject.

As you question what point you're at in the relationship, and whether it would be too soon to really mention it, you notice his sniffing.

You realize you'd forgotten the cat senses.

"Are you OK?! I didn't scratch you, did I?! Did Shadow?!" He asks, pulling up the hand he was holding, then looking it over.

"No, you didn't do anything."


"No, it uh, I um, I need to go the store."

"Are you sure it's just the store? Not the hospital?! Nothing happened where Lila stabbed you, right?!" He asks, getting more worried by the second.

"No! I'm just on my period!" You spit it out.

"Good grief, you had me scared to death! Why didn't you just tell me?!" He asks, sighing in relief.

"Because, I've heard guys are weird about it! I mean, I won't even say anything to my dad about it!" 

"Angel, it's not a big deal. I know it's a natural thing, why would I be weird about it?"

"I don't know, lots of guys are."

"I'm not lots of guys. I am your meowst wonderfurl boyfuriend, and I'm gonna take care of you." He says, swiftly picking you up.

"But, the store!"

"Don't you worry, I'll handle it. What do you need?" He asks as he walks you inside.

"Are you serious?"

"Completely." He responds, putting you in bed and tucking you in.

You suppose it's the extra emotionalness, but you feel yourself start to tear up.

"Hey, what's wrong? My claws didn't- Oh!" He starts to ask if he'd scratched you, but then stops abruptly when you hug him tightly.

"What's this for?" He asks, hugging back.

"For being the best boyfriend ever."

"Aww, who else fits the best girlfriend ever?" He says, as you pull away.

"How did I get so lucky?" You ask.

"Same way I did."

"You really don't mind to go to the store for me?"

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now