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When you wake up on Friday morning, you relish in the fact that you'll be able to go back to your normal sleeping schedule soon.

You drag yourself out of bed and get ready, deciding to wear the Cat Noir shirt you'd gotten with bff/n.

After eating you go outside to find Cat Noir standing there.

"Hey Angel!" He says, quickly coming over.

"Uh, hi. What are you doing here?" You ask in confusion.

"Well, I thought I'd take you to school!"


"Because you're not the only angelic one around here!" He says, then swiftly picks you up, making you laugh.

"But what if you end up late?" You worry.

"I'll get there the same time as you, silly."

"No, I mean, what if people swarm you and and you can't hide to detransform?"

"Don't you worry, Angel. It's fine." He says, trying to reassure you.

"If you say so."

"I do. And I meowst say, you are looking pawsitively purrfect this morning, as always!"

"Are you buttering me up for something?" You ask in suspicion, but blush nonetheless.

"No? I just don't want Lila forgetting what we taught her!"

"Ah, the Protective Boyfriend Mode strikes again."

"If that's what you call me not wanting you to not be bothered by her, then yes."

You laugh, and lean up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Careful now, no distracting the driver." He teases.

By now you've reached the school, and he lands carefully and sets you on your feet.

"I shall see you later, my darling." He says, giving you a quick kiss.

"See you later, my silly kitty."

He makes a funny face, then jumps to the roof, where you assume he'll find a way to double back.

"Wow, y/n. Really rubbing it in Lila's face!" Marinette says, arriving in time to see Cat leave.

"It wasn't my intention. He just decided to give me a lift." You say with a shrug.

"That was nice."

"He normally is. Though I doubt Lila would say the same."

"Yeah, probably not. And I noticed you said "normally". Is he sometimes not nice? Like controlling or anything?"

"Cat?! No! He's a total cinnamon roll! I just said that because he sometimes goes into what I've been calling Protective Boyfriend Mode. Then it seems like his only thought is for making sure I'm alright."

"Oh. Ok." Marinette says, and you think you detect some sadness, but before you can really think about it, she walks toward the door, seeing Alya.

You wonder if she'd said that, thinking she may have dodged a bullet, but in reality she'd just missed out on something good.

Shaking your head, you walk to the building and go to the lockers, where you're greeted with a very familiar face.

"How did you get here so fast?!" You ask in shock.

"I have my ways." Adrien says, looking sly.

You just laugh and look at him in confusion.

Marinette and Alya soon come in, saying hello.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now