"Nasties!" -Plagg

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"Ah, gross! You two are nasty!" Plagg screeches.

You and Adrien quickly split apart, and laugh breathlessly.

"Ugh! I risk my neck coming here to get you two fixed up so I won't have to deal with your dumb teenage angst, and this is how you repay me?!" He continues, still yelling.

"Wait, what? You came here because you didn't want us to fight?" Adrien asks.

You give a mock gasp and say, "Plagg! Do you, care?"

"If you mean I care about my sanity then yes! Because I couldn't keep that with this nerd being all mopey!" Plagg says, flying over and bopping Adrien on the head.

"Sure, sure. So that was the only reason?" Adrien asks.

"Of course. That's how I always am with my holders and their love lives. I don't want them all sad and longing because that's too much non-cheese gooey stuff. Plus they're usually predictable and just end up with their Ladybug anyway." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Aww, is that why you actually like us? Cause we're different?" You tease.

"That has nothing to do with anything! I just wanted you to know the movie went off! Plus I figured I should make sure you hadn't killed him or anything. Apparently the only risk was suffocation!"

You feel your face get warm, and glance to Adrien to see he looks red.

Plagg laughs, and asks for cheese.

"Uh, sure. There's some in the fridge." You tell him.

"Thanks. Now I gotta go, before the "gravitational pull" between you two gets too great." He responds, doing his best air quotes.

He quickly phases away, leaving you and Adrien to your blushing.

"Do you think he actually came here to help us?" You ask.

"Yeah, maybe. He may not show it, but he really does care." Adrien responds.

"He's sweet."

"Sometimes. He can be a bit, hmm, chaotic?"

"I can see that." You giggle.

"You know what I see?" Adrien asks.


"An ameowzing, wonderfurl girl." He says, winking and taking your hand.

"I swear, you are cheesier than Plagg."

"Did you see what I left on your balcony? You'll really think so then."

"No, but now I gotta!" You say, and quickly go to unlock the doors.

When you get out, you look around until you see what he meant.

On your chair lays the jacket you'd forgotten at Alya's, arranged to look like a heart.

You laugh and turn to Adrien, who followed you outside.

"Yep. Cheesier than Plagg, and that is an accomplishment."

"I know, I know. I take great pride in my work."

"I really hate to ruin your hard work, but I have to take this in, wouldn't want it getting rained on or anything." You chuckle and pick up the jacket, moving past Adrien to go back inside.

But before you make it, he slinks an arm around your waist and pulls you to him.

"Hi." He says.

"Hey." You respond, feeling flushed at the close proximity,  which is silly, considering what was going on before Plagg interrupted.

"I know I didn't see you any less than normally, but I just missed you so much today." He confesses.

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