Shut Up! (And Dance)

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Play that ^ when I say, and there will be lots of POV switches, just a warning.

You woke up exited, the dress really made you want to show it off!

You get up and get ready for the day, do some school work, when you suddenly realize, you don't have any shoes that would match the dress.

So you quickly rummage through the closet until you find a pair of black, beat-up sneakers.

"Purrfect!" You whisper to yourself, Cat Noir's puns have been rubbing off on you.

You take the sneakers and color the tips gray, just like Cat's boots.

You admire your work and check the time. 3 PM.

Still about four hours before you'd need to get ready.

You go to the kitchen and make a snack, then take it back to your room, and finish the school for today.

By the time you've finished everything it's 6:30.

You decide to play on your phone for a while, so you get on Pinterest.

A image of Cat Noir appears, and you notice something.

His ears, you should have a pair of cat ears!

You go to your art supplies and find some black felt, and a black headband, no time to go buy some.

You quickly cut out triangles and glue them onto the headband, they actually look really good.

Now it's time to get ready, so you take a shower, put on the dress, apply some make-up, (unless you're like me, and don't wear it😂) and do your hair in a fancy way.

You set your homemade cat ears upon your head, and put on your newly repurposed sneakers, and go out after telling your parents bye, and about fifty pictures.

You were making your way downtown, there was a ton of people in costume out, kids, teens, and adults alike, most dressed up.

When you got to the Bougouis Hotel there was a huge line.

You had to wait for at least 20 minutes to get in.

Finally, you got inside the doors and glanced around, it looks pretty cool.

There was cobwebs, coffins, bats hanging from the ceiling, orange and black streamers, and pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere.

You scan the crowd, seeing plenty of red and black spots among many other things.

Finally you catch sight of what you were looking for: the food.

There's cookies, cakes, and tons of other things, all Halloween themed.

As you walk toward the table that holds all the delicious looking food, you notice most people are crowded into one side of the room.

You get a cookie and walk over to investigate, soon seeing what all the commotion is about.

Ladybug is there, dressed as a baker.

You don't see Cat Noir anywhere though, maybe he's not here yet.

You spot your best friend, dressed as a character from her favorite show, at the food table, so you go back over.

"Hey bff/n!"

"Hey y/n! Or should I say Cat Noir?" she says with a playful wink.

You laugh and say "Just y/n, I haven't seen Cat yet, but Ladybug's over there." You nod towards the ever growing crowd.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now