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After leaving Lila in the bathroom, you found Adrien and told him what happened.

You think you hear him growl a little.

"Lila is always trying to pull something like this! Do you want me to say something to her? She might listen to me."

"Thanks, but nah. What could she really do? Spread a few rumors about me? I'll be gone by next week."

"Y/n, you don't know her like I do. She won't rest until your week here, and possibly just out in public at all, is miserable. She's crazy!"

"Oh come on, how bad could it be?" You can't understand how she could be so horrible in just one week.

"Very bad! You can ask Marinette, she knows how crazy Lila can be." He says, nodding over to where Marinette is coming out of the building.

"Fine, I will." You say, rolling your eyes and walking over to her, Adrien training behind.

"Hey, Marinette!" You say.

"Hi, y/n. What's up?"

"Well, I need to talk to you about something."


"So Adrien had warned me about this girl, Lila always lying, and then she was mad at me because I was supposed to sit next to Adrien, which I couldn't even help, and she cornered me in the bathroom and kept talking about how I'm probably not actually dating Cat Noir, which would be kind of hard for me to have faked, as Alya has pictures, and multiple people have seen us together, but either way, she was threatening to make everyone hate me or something, and I don't really believe that she could do much, because I'll be gone in a week. And Adrien said to ask you, is the reason I'm telling you all this."

"Wow, uh, yeah, I'd believe her if I were you. She has almost everyone here wrapped around her little finger! They believe anything she says, even though she's a pathological liar! Even the teachers believe her, even though her stories don't always line up!"

"So she really could turn people against me?"

"Definitely. She's threatened me before. Basically in the same way as you, just different circumstances, of course."

"Didn't you go to the principal or something?!" You ask in shock.

"I didn't have any proof. There aren't security cameras in the bathrooms, of course. Not even the locker rooms, just the classes and hallways."

"Oh. I don't have any proof either."

"And Principal Damocles won't listen without proof."

"So we're just in a bind." You say, taking a deep breath.

"Yep. But what exactly was she threatening to do to you?" Marinette asks.

By now Adrien has walked up, and is listening.

"Basically just that nobody would like me, and everyone would think I lied about Cat Noir. But it's pretty obvious I didn't, because there's pictures, audio, and plenty of people have seen us together."

"Yeah, it seems hard to believe that she could make people ignore the evidence, but she probably can."

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Alya says, walking up to the little group, with Nino following her.

You glance at Marinette and Adrien, to see if you should tell her.

Adrien nods, while Marinette shrugs.

"Lila. She thinks I lied about dating Cat Noir." You say.

"Why? Hasn't she seen my Ladyblog photos?" Alya says, perplexed.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now