Movie Night

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Adrien's POV

Since y/n never specified a time to come over, I just go ahead and take a shower, grab some cheese for Plagg so he won't be asking for any, and leave by 7 o'clock.

I transform in an alley, but as I do, I realize that walking into her house like this could give away where she lives and get reporters and paparazzi or something coming after her.

But in all honesty, it would probably be worse if someone saw Adrien Agreste go in, than it would for Cat Noir.

So I just go on the way I was.

When I reach her house, I take a deep breath and knock on the front door.

Y/n opens it, says hello, and gives me a hug, which I return, but not too tightly because I can see her dad watching from behind.

"You're just in time! Come on, what ice cream do you want?" She asks, taking my hand.

"Depends on what all there is, I guess." I say, probably too nervously.

"Hi sir." I say, nodding to Mr. L/n as y/n pulls me to the kitchen.

"Hello Adrien." He says, reminding me I told them all my biggest secret.

I don't really even know them, but I know y/n, and if she says it'll be alright, I trust her.

We go to the kitchen, where I see cookies, brownies, several types of ice cream, carmel, hot fudge, cherries, bananas, and marshmallows all lined up on the counter.

"Ohh, boy! My dad would kill me if he knew I was doing this!" I remark, exited at the sight of all the sugary goodness.

"Why?!" Y/n asks in shock.

"Being a model means a strict diet and not very many sweets." I explain, making a face.

"That doesn't sound nice." She says, handing me a bowl.

"Not at all." I say, and take it.

"Hey, should I detransform?" I ask.

"Yeah! I wanna see Plagg! Plus we're gonna watch a movie, and I'll be sitting with you, and I doubt you want to start purring in front of my parents."

"No, not really. Claws in."

"Cheeessee! Hi y/n! Cheeessee!!" Plagg says, flying in front of my face.

"I know, I know." I give him the slice I'd brought, and he downs it in one bite.

"Dang, that cheese was as big as you!" Y/n says, laughing.

"The bigger the better!" Plagg says.

She laughs, and goes to wash her hands, so I follow and do the same.

Soon, the rest of her family come in, wash up and get their bowls.

Since this is my first time having a real sundae like this, I get a little of most everything.

Y/n laughs when she sees my giant pile, and I just grin sheepishly.

We all go to the living room and sit down, with Plagg trying to hide from s/n.

"So, what are we watching?" Mrs. L/n asks.

"Tangled!!" Y/n shouts.

"Yes!" Puts in s/n.

"Haven't you both seen that before?" Mr. L/n asks, but it's probably rhetorical.

"Yeah, so? It's a good. Movie! Besides, you and mom need to watch it." Y/n says, sitting down on the couch and gesturing for me to sit beside her.

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