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It was just after 9:30 and you were bored.

Your family had already went to bed, you, as usual, were planning on staying awake much longer.

It would still be a while before Cat showed up, if he was able to of course.

Some nights he couldn't come because of his father, or he was just too tired.

You understand completely, from what little you can know about his personal life, he seems really busy.

Since you had a while before he was coming, if he was coming, you decided to draw.

It's just a little hobby of yours, really, but you enjoy it as much as the next person.

You sit down at your desk, paper and supplies laid out in front of you, and start to trace.

You're basically just mindlessly doodling, it isn't until you hear a peck at the window when you snap out of whatever trance you were in, and notice what exactly you drew.

It was Cat Noir.

But not just any picture of Cat Noir.

The way you'd drawn him, which, was the best piece you'd drawn yet, made him look extremely hot. 

It was him in a fighting stance, against the Parisian sunset, Eiffel Tower shining in the back.

And with all the lighting and shading you'd done, all of his features stood out perfectly, including his well-toned muscles.

You blushed at the picture, and quickly hid the paper in the closet, since Cat was knocking again.

You quickly let him in and said hello.

"Hi y/n! Hope I didn't wake you, I should've stopped knocking after the first two." he says with a guilty face.

"Oh no! You didn't wake me! I was just... getting ready to draw! I couldn't get to the window because I was holding my things."
It was a lie of course, and you really hated lying to him, but you definitely wasn't going to tell him you had already been drawing, because he'd want to see the art, and you were not letting him see how you'd drawn him.

"Ohh ok, can I watch you draw? You're so good at it!"

"Uh, sure! You can draw too if you want."


He pulls a chair over and plops down beside you, then grabs a paper and a few colored pencils and gets to work.

So you do the same.

At some point you try to look at what he's drawing but he covers it before you can see anything.

"Ah, ah, ah! No peeking!"

You laugh at his antics and agree, but say that he can't look at your drawing either.

It's a picture of him again, but this time you're drawing him as you see him, head bent, eyes squinting in concentration, his tongue is even poking out.

When he's finally finished he flips the paper over, then stretches, trying to look at your paper, which is almost done, you're just adding the finishing touches.

You quickly hide it, shaking your finger at him.

"No peeking, remember?"

"Yeah yeah,"

You laugh and add the last touch, a shimmer onto his eye, then say "Ok, I'm done."

"Yay! Now I can see!"

"Hold up, only if I can see what you drew!"

"Of course! I was gonna show you anyway, " he says with a little chuckle.

"Ok, on 3 we'll flip them, one."


"Three!" The last one is said in unison as you turn the papers over, then start laughing.

You had drawn each other, in basically the same pose, hunched over, faces full of concentration.

"Yours is much better than mine, you're really good at drawing y/n!"

"Haha, thanks, but yours is way better!"

"Ah! That's only because mine has a prettier subject!"

Your cheeks have a light pink dusting now, but you shake your head at him.

"Psh, ok," you say in a sarcastic tone.

"Is my angel calling me pretty? How kind!"

You laugh at him and start putting the art supplies away.

"Here, let me help you! Where does this go?" he asks holding up your pack of colored pencils.

"In the closet, on the shelf." You say, before remembering that's where you hid the earlier drawing of him.

"Oh wait!"

But it was too late. The paper had already fluttered to the floor from the air made as Cat set the pencils down.

Luckily it fell blank side up, not so luckily, when he picked it up to put it back, he looked to see if it was trash to throw away.

So of course, he saw the picture.

The embarrassingly good artwork, that made him flush deeply.

"Uhm. This is a nice one."

"Oh, uh, thanks."

You walk over and take the paper from him, setting it back inside the closet.

"I, uh, um," you hopelessly try to come up with a reason as to why you would have possibly drawn him like that.

"I drew it without even paying attention, subconscious mind, it goes crazy sometimes."

"Oh, um, yeah, mine does that too."

You're both an awkward, blushy mess, so you just stand there looking at each other for what seems like hours, but is really just a few seconds.

Then your clock beeps, signaling it's 11:30.

"Well uh, I guess I should head home. I'll have to get up early tomorrow, uhm, bye."

"Bye Cat, see ya,"

He jumps out the window, glancing back at you just before he leaps.

You give him an awkward smile, which he returns.

You look at the picture and groan, contemplating whether or not to burn it.

You decide against it, he already seen it anyway.

You do hide it really well though.

When you're ready for bed you lay down and fall into an uncomfortable sleep.

Hey guys!! Whatcha think? I finally had a little inspiration!

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now