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Adrien's POV

After Nino snuck back out the window and I got in bed, Plagg flew in front of me.

"Kid, you do know that I care about you, right?"

"Of course!"

"And that I want you to be happy, right?"


"Well, I'm gonna give you some advice. Even if it's not my thing, and I don't understand why you want a girlfriend, when you could just have cheese. But still, advice."

I laugh and say, "Ok, advise me."

"Well, one of my previous holders was in a similar situation, actually, it's basically the exact same situation. He'd always liked his Ladybug, but eventually started to like another girl."

Where is he going with this, he almost never talks about his past.

"So, he tried to date them both, not at the same time of course, but first he tried to be with his Ladybug, then the other girl. And in the end, the only one who really liked him was the other girl. Now, I'm not saying this'll happen to you, I'm just saying that it wouldn't be a new thing to have a Cat Noir not be with a Ladybug."

"Wow Plagg, that's a very interesting story. And thanks, I was worried I'd be breaking an ancient tradition or something. If I end up with y/n, that is."

"Nah. And another thing, that previous holder, when the other girl asked how he knew he wanted to be with her, he told her 'If you fall in love twice, go for the second person, because if you really loved the first, you wouldn't have fallen again.' I just think you should know that. Now enough sappy junk, I'm gonna sleep."

After he says that he flies to his pillow and lays down.

I try to think about what he says, but fall asleep before I can.

~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~

While getting ready for school I thought about what Plagg and Nino had told me.

I guess I'll just see who I run into first.

It's a really stupid way to do things, but it's the only way I can think of.

I go to school and take my seat, and Nino asks if I've decided anything, I just shake my head.

I think all day, who do I like more? Y/n, or Ladybug?

I barely hear anything the teachers say.

I realize I have barely flirted with Ladybug recently, haven't even called her 'm'lady'.

I wonder if she's noticed?

If she has, she's probably just glad I've stopped.

What does this mean?

Why would I have stopped flirting with her?

I do flirt with y/n sometimes, without meaning to.

And continuously call her 'Angel'.

I'm so confused, I wish I could talk to someone else.

But the only other person I can think of to talk to, is y/n!

Maybe I could talk to her, just not mention any names?

I decide to do that, what could go wrong?
You're on your balcony, school already finished, looking for Cat Noir.

You don't know if he's going to show up, after everything that happened last night.

Bff/n has went home, and she left you with the advice to just talk to him.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now