Purple Bell

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Cat Noir's POV

"Hello, Cat Blanc. I am Hawkmoth."

"I know very well who you are! And my name is Cat Noir!"

"Tsk tsk, you sound so upset to hear from me, but all I want to do is help you."

"You don't want to help me! You don't want to help anyone but yourself!"

"That's not true. I really do want to help you."

"Help me what? Destroy my partner?"

"Of course not, I just want to help you make amends with your partner. And I only ask a small fee in return."

"Yeah yeah, mine and Ladybug's miraculous, right?"

"Ah, what a smart feline you are."

"Well, it's what you always want. So I took a lucky guess."

"Hm, yes. So, are you willing to let me help you?"

"Of course not! I'd rather never see Ladybug again than help you!"

"Mm, that can be arranged."

Somehow, he's hurting me.

I don't know how, but he is.

Squeezing my insides, I can barely breathe.

"Stop! Stop it!"

"Not until you help me get what I want!"


"Suit yourself."

It's almost as if he's here with me, choking me, taking my life away.

In my moment of distress, the akuma seeps into me, overwhelming me with its darkness, until I cannot resist, no matter how much I want to.

Hawkmoth has taken over.

He's in control of me now, I'm his servant.

I'm unaware of anything that's happening now, the akuma is doing everything.

I silently apologize for everything I'm about to do, and hope Ladybug, and Paris will be able to forgive me.
You went to bed fairly early, Cat Noir hadn't show up at his usual time frame, so you assumed he'd asked one or both of the girls out, and one had said yes, and he was too busy with them to visit.

Not even a text though, and that was very unusual.

You brushed it off and went to sleep.

Only to be awoken by a loud thud, like someone had landed on the roof.

Really? An akuma at this hour? You think exasperatedly.

You get out of bed and creep to the window, then look out, hoping to say hi to Cat Noir after the person gets back to normal.

What you see makes you gasp, and your heart stops for a moment.

On a roof not far away, is Ladybug, fighting a much lighter version of Cat Noir.

It's not actually him though, right? Because why would he be so white?

But it is him.

And he's fighting well.

Ladybug's POV

I can barely hold my ground, I never expected this to happen, I wish I could take it all back.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now