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Adrien's POV

Nurses and doctors rush in, so I jump up out of their way and huddle on the couch, since it's far enough from the bed I'm not in the area they need.

I sit with my knees pulled up to my chest and wrap my arms around them, because I feel like if I don't hang onto something I might pass out from fear.

The kwamis slip over to me and hover around my head, whispering amongst themselves.

I can't make out anything they're saying, mostly because I'm listening intently to the hospital workers, trying to find out if they can do anything.

The kwamis fall silent as the Doctor monitoring y/n's vitals shakes his head.

Plagg pats me on the shoulder as he turns away from the scene, while Kaalki rests her head on my hand and sniffles.

I feel my heart drop to my stomach, and tears flow down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do now." One of the nurses says to me with a regretful look.

"Bu-but what happened? I thought she was going to be ok?" I hear myself whisper.

"It seems the knife was composed of, or had on it, a strange, foreign material that got into her bloodstream and poisoned her. It happened so quickly, we weren't able to stop it."

"Are you sure there's nothing that can be done?"

"Nothing short of a miracle."

I don't say anything, nor do I feel anything.

Other than pain.

They tell me to leave so they can do I don't even want to think about what with her.

I go back to that waiting room I was in before and just sit there with the kwamis.

Her parents left their contact information somewhere, so they'll be called in soon.

They're probably going to yell at me.

It's ok.

I deserve it.

This is all my fault, I should've been watching more.

She sacrificed herself for me.

Why didn't it poison me instead?

The same knife cut me, how am I not poisoned too?

Maybe because it wasn't fully stabbed into me.

You should get revenge.

On who? Myself?

No, of course not. On the person who stabbed her. On the doctors who couldn't save her.

The doctors did all they could. And Lila will be going someplace where she'll get what she deserves.

What if you could save her?


I don't know what this voice inside my head is, but if there's a chance I could save y/n I want to take it.

All you need is Ladybug's miraculous. You already have the black cat miraculous.

You mean, make the wish?

That's it. You can use the butterfly miraculous to obtain it.

No, there's always a price to pay. Someone else would die.

Someone else you love as much as her.

There is nobody else I love that much.

So nobody would die.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now