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Adrien's POV

I found the first button, but nothing happened.

After feeling around more and not finding anything I give up.

"This has to mean something!" I say as I push the button again.

"Honey, nothing is happening. We'll just have to find another way." My aunt tells me.

"I guess..." I trail off.

There is another way, but it'll be hard.

How could I use the horse miraculous without revealing my identity?

I could take it back to y/n, but she'd wonder why I wasn't going with her.

Maybe I could tell her it's a test?

But still, I can only do that if Ladybug actually did take the miraculous back to Master Fu.

It's worth a shot.

If it could get mom back.

We look around a bit more, but find nothing.

"Oh what's the use? We're not finding anything. I'll see if I can somehow get in touch with the supers, I know the girl who runs the blog about them, maybe she knows how to contact them." I make up an excuse.

"Ok dear. And we were wondering if you'd like us to stay here, at least, until we can get to Emilie, and see what's going on there." Aunt Amile says.

"Yes please. There's plenty of room for you. Come on."

I take them to the guest rooms, it would be fun to have Felix share a room with me so we could catch up, but I can't risk him seeing me transform, and I dont think he wants to.

He seems a lot more serious now than he used to be, bored with being here, and with me.

Aunt Amile thanks me for the rooms, and suggests we get food.

"Sure! I'll go ask the chef to prepare something. Anything particular you want?"

"Oh, surprise me! What about you, Felix?"

"Just some onion soup, please."


I go downstairs and to the kitchen, tell the chef what we all want, and go back upstairs.

My aunt and cousin are talking in Felix's temporary room, so I don't bother them, but go to my room.

"Hey, kid?" Plagg asks.


"What's the deal with your cousin? He seems kinda rude."

"Plagg, be nice. He lost his father recently, and is probably upset with me because I didn't go to the funeral, but father wouldn't let me go."

"Oh. Well I just have a bad feeling about him..."

"That's probably just all the cheese you've eaten."

"Of course it isn't! My cheese would never cause me pain!" He says dramatically.

"Yeah, yeah."

He rushes off to get more cheese and I go gather up a few things Felix and I used to do when we were younger.

Chessboard, deck of cards.

He used to be really good with magic tricks, though I think I've got a better one now.

The chef sends for me, so I get the others and we go to eat.

"Adrien, this is delicious! Please tell your chef that they are wonderful!" Aunt Amile praises.

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