What Once Was Mine

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Adrien's POV

I emerge from the portal, clutching the flower tightly by the stem.

The front desk workers look at me in shock, since I appeared out of a magical blue circle in front of them, but I don't have time to explain.

"What has been done with y/n l/n?!" I ask frantically.

"Uhm- What?" One of the workers says.

"Y/f/n! Where is she?!" (Your full name)

I can't bring myself to say 'Her body' because even though it's true, it makes it sound like there's no life left.

"Who is that?"

"She died this morning! Where has she been placed?! Her parents were supposed to make sure nothing was done with her!"

"Let me just check, but why do you want to know?" The lady sitting in front of the computer asks, starting to type.

"Because I'm hoping to be able to save her!"

"What do you mean by that? It says her she was poisoned, how could you fix that?"

"That's not important right now, I need to find her quickly! Maybe I'll be able to come back and explain later, ok?"

"Whatever. She's been placed in the morgue, but as requested, nothing has been done to the body."


"Thank you!" I start to run the the elevator, but then I realize I don't know where the morgue is.

So I ask, and they tell me I have to go down the stairs.

I'm just glad they're letting me through.

While I run down three flights of stairs to the basement, I stop the unification and feed Kaalki.

There's very few workers milling around down here.

"Help, please! I'm looking for y/n l/n!" It takes a few minutes of my saying this to people until I actually get told where to find her.

"She's in there, locker number 308. But if you're wanting to put flowers on the body, couldn't you wait until the funeral? " Says a gruff looking older man.

"That's not exactly what I'm doing." I respond.

I have no idea how long the guy has worked here, but I can tell he's seen plenty of things.

Though I have a feeling this will give him a surprise.

They allow me to close the door so I can detransform, because if, ahem, when she wakes up I'm going to want to hug her tightly, without my super strength getting in the way.

Plus I may need Plagg to help me remember the incantation.

He eats some cheese while I find the number in the seemingly endless row of metal doors.

Finally, I find it after what seems like years, and I open the latch and pull out the drawer.

And there she is, lying flat on her back in the same hospital gown as the last time I saw her.

But now she looks pale and cold.

Swallowing the lump forming in my throat, I take her hand, to find she feels as cold as she looks.

I lay the flower on her chest, and mentally go through the words of the song.

I don't know if anything will happen if I mess up, but I don't want to take that chance, so I go over it quietly with Plagg as well.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now