Finding Mom

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Adrien's POV

When I get home and detransform, Plagg immediately goes for cheese, even though it was just a few minutes ago when he had some.

I take out my phone and go to the gallery.

There's lots of work.

I delete all my Ladybug pictures, except one.

It's the first picture we ever had taken together, so I keep that.

Now I go around my room and collect the few pictures I had cut out from magazines.

There's not many, it seems creepy to have a bunch printed out.

As I'm throwing them in the trash there's a knock at my door.

I open it to see The Gorilla, who hasn't been around much today.

He grunts and motions for me to follow him.

We go downstairs where I find two unexpected visitors.

"Aunt Amelie? Felix? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh Adrien! We are so sorry about your father! We came to see you as soon as we could!" My aunt replies.

"Thank you, it's so good to see you again!!"

"You too, sweetie."

I smile at her and address my cousin.

"Hi Felix!"

He nods to me and sticks out his hand for me to shake, but I'm not one for such formal greetings if possible.

I hug him, but he just stands there.

After pulling away, Aunt Amelie hugs me.

"You poor dear, first your mother and now this! It's dreadful!"

"Uh yeah. It's been weird, but I'll be ok." I reassure her.

"Oh, you're so strong! But do you have any idea why Gabriel did all this?"

"It was to bring mom back." I say quietly.

"Did you find out what happened to her?" Aunt Amelie asks.

"Somewhat. I'll need some help with it."

"What do you mean?"

"She's in the basement, on life support or something."

Even Felix loses his composure at this, both of them looking shocked.

"Oh. Oh my. What will we do?!"

"I don't know. I guess take her to the hospital?"

"Yes. How do we get into the basement?" Asks Aunt Amelie.

"I'm not sure... The superheros are the ones who told me where mom is, but they used a miraculous to get in." I tell her.

"Well couldn't you just call them out something?" Felix speaks up.

"Probably not." I'll have to find a way to get out, so I can get the horse back, if Ladybug even returned it.

"So what do we do?" Felix asks.

"There had to be another way in. Father wasn't using a miraculous." I say.

But how was father getting in?

The elevator! He'd come down in an elevator!

"I have an idea!" I say as I run to the study.

If the picture of mom was hiding a safe, maybe it's hiding other things.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now