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After walking home with Cat he drops you off at the front door, only to meet again on your balcony, where you let him inside from the cold.

"It's freezing out there! Do you wanna get under the blankets with me?" You ask, walking over to you bed and moving the covers around.

"If it's ok with you, then absolutely, but what if your parents come up here?" He asks hesitantly.

"First of all, if it wasn't ok with me, I wouldn't have asked, silly! Second, they're all downstairs doing something of their own. The only one with a chance of coming in would be s/n wanting me to play or something, but I think they have something they're wanting to watch, so it's fine! Come on!" You say, sliding under the covers.

"If you're sure..." He says before giving you a surprise by kicking off his boots, leaving him in black and green paw printed socks.

"You can do that?! Also, this may sound weird, but I love your socks." You exclaim as he climbs under the blankets.

He laughs, and responds with, "Yeah, the whole thing comes off except my mask and ears, which is how I got dressed for the Halloween dance."

"Huh." Is all you say, more focused on cuddling up to him.

He sighs as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to his chest.

"Why the huhhh?" You ask, imitating him.

"Hm? Oh, that was a happy sigh!" He explains.

"Ohh, ok. Just checking."

"Wait, why would you think it was sad? This is my happy place!" He says, burrowing his face into your hair.

You smile and reach up to pet behind his cat ear, making him purr.

"Mine too."

You don't mention it, but you are worried about him, since it's Christmastime, and his father is in prison, his mother is at the hospital, and his cousin and aunt can be a bit odd.

While you ponder on what you could do to help, you notice his breathing has gotten slower and a more regular pattern.

Plus he hasn't mentioned the nonstop purring, so that leads you to believe he's asleep.

You almost fall asleep too, until he starts twitching.

At first it's small, mostly his cat ears is all you can feel.

You try to look at him, and see his face scrunched up, plus he's stopped purring.

From his expression you guess he's having a nightmare, and are about to wake him, when he suddenly squeezes you really tightly.

You'd never thought about it before, because he's always so soft and gentle, especially with you, but with the added superpowers, he's insanely strong.

Making a squeak, you start trying to shake him awake, simultaneously trying to pry his arms away.

"Cat! Let me go!" You say as soon as his eyes seem to be open at all.

He immediately moves his arms away, and you take a deep breath.

"Wh-what happened?! What's wrong?!" He asks quickly, seeing your expression.

"You were having a nightmare or something, and moving in your sleep."

"Did I hurt you? Are you alright?!" He asks, looking horrified.

"I'm fine now. And let's just say I may know what a car in a crusher feels like now."

"Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry!! I swear I didn't mean to, I had no idea what was going on! I would never intentionally hurt you! Are you sure you're ok?!"

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now