Make Up And Out

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You had mostly holed up in your room for the day, not really feeling like going out and talking to anybody.

At least you'd been able to get the report done.

But you planned on finding someone else to take it to Miss Bustier.

Suddenly your father opens your door.

"Hey, your mother and I and taking s/n to see some new movie. Do you want to come?"

You consider it, but since s/n has probably picked something of no interest to you, you decide against it and tell your father.

"Ok. We'll probably be back in a few hours. And no boys! Don't invite Adrien over or anything!"

"Didn't plan on it."

"Good. See you later."

"Bye." You say as he leaves.

You hear them go out the door and lay back on your bed, staring at the ceiling.

All of a sudden, you're startled when a small, flying thing enters your vision.

"Oh. Hey, Plagg. Did Adrien put you up to this?" You ask, upon realizing who it is.

"No, unless he's being really manipulative, which I doubt he would be able to pull off." Plagg responds, settling down on your bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he keeps moping around, and I couldn't take it, so I took some cheese and came here."

You laugh a little, and ask him to continue.

"There's nothing else. He's been walking around all sad ever since last night. I've put up with it all day, and I can't take it anymore!"

"Wait, why did he let you come here?"

"About that... He doesn't exactly know. I left without telling him."

"Plagg!" You scold. "He's probably really worried!"

"I bet he hasn't even noticed!" Plagg responds, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sure he has. He's probably looking all over for you!"

"Yeah, right. He's barely said a word to me all day, so it wouldn't be much difference!"


"Why do you think?" Plagg asks, giving you a look.

"If he's so upset about this, then maybe he should've thought about the consequences before he kissed Lila."

"But he didn't kiss Lila."

"Yes he did! I saw him! I wouldn't have believed it otherwise!"

"Y/n, she kissed him. He didn't have any say in the matter."

"How could he not have a say in the matter? You really are just here because he asked you to come."

"I wouldn't do that, I'm not some messenger boy!"

"Then why are we talking about this?"

"You're the one who brought it up! I came here to escape talking about whatever you two have going on!"


"Good." Plagg echoes.

You end up turning on Tangled: Before Ever After, and barely getting into it before your phone rings.

From the ringtone, you know it's Adrien and almost ignore it, but accept because he's probably looking for Plagg.

"Hello?" You answer.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now