Friendly Dinner

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Adrien's POV

I invite Nino over at school, and he says he doesn't have any plans.

So I text Mom to tell her it's a go, and she sounds excited.

I remind Nino to be careful to not mention anything about y/n or secret identities.

"Don't worry, Dude. I'm a vault!" He reassures me.

Before I know it, school is over and Marinette is once again telling me goodbye as I wait outside.

Thankful The Gorilla is always punctual, I wave goodbye as I leave.

He grunts a hello and takes me home.

Nino isn't going to be coming over for a few hours, but I can tell Mom has been busy.

There's a nice tablecloth, flowers, candles.

You'd think the Queen of England was coming.

It almost looks like something I'd set up for y/n and I as a date.

I guess Mom is where I get all my romantic-ness from.

Certainly couldn't be my father.

I can't recall one time he set up a nice dinner for their anniversary, they always just went out.

But I've already planned out the date I want to take y/n on for our first anniversary, when it's months away.

Maybe all the time spent around Plagg and his cheese had taken it's toll on me.

For all her effort, I don't know where Mom is, so I head up to my room to get started on homework.

But of course I run into Felix first.

"Is your girlfriend coming over?" He asks.

"No. Mom still doesn't know about her, right?"

"Not unless you've told her. Why does she have the fancy stuff out?"

"No idea. My friend Nino is coming, I guess she just wants to make a good impression."

"Whatever. Anyway, my mom and I are going back to London for the night, she wants to check on the house or something. She's got business to attend to."

"Cool. See you later then." I say, then slip into my room.

Plagg flies out of my bag, quickly running for cheese.

"How long did it take for you to finish that whole wheel I put in there for you?" I ask him.

"That's not important! What is important though, is restocking! I've only got like, 30 wheels left! That won't last long!"

"Maybe you should be more sparing with it. Mom will pay attention more than Father. She'll notice if I buy 500 things of cheese."

"She'll just assume you've figured out the best food on Earth!"

"Right. Well, I'll let you get to your cheese, I have math work to do."

"I don't get why you humans do all this school stuff. I've never been a student a day in my life, and look how smart I am!"

"Right. Who invented the lightbulb?" I ask something fairly easy.

"That wasn't an invitation for a history lesson! Besides, that was probably one of your questions and you're gonna use me to cheat!" He dodges the question and hides in his cheese.

I laugh at him, then do my work until I hear Mom calling me.

Once I get downstairs, she looks me over and asks if I'm going to change.

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