Dinner With Mom

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"So... How long have you known each other?" Mrs. Agreste asks, trying to fill the silence before the meal is prepared.

"A few months, right?" You ask, glancing at Adrien.

"Yeah, that's about right."

"How did you meet?"

"I was akumatized. He walked me home and things haven't been the same since." You say, grinning as he takes your hand under the table.

"Aww! How long was it until you started dating?"

"It took us a month or so. Not too long, but longer than it should've been." Adrien answers, and you can tell he's thinking about his regrets from trying to distance himself from you after everything with bff/n, so you squeeze his hand before answering next question. 

"Adrien tells me you're homeschooled. Any particular reason?"

"I just wasn't happy in regular school, and my parents agreed to let me stop, as long as I could pass my tests."

"And you like that better?"

"Yes, much."

"Well good."

An awkward silence follows, and nobody seems to know how to end it.

"OK, this is silly. You came here so we could get to know each other! No more basic questions! Let's get to the more interesting stuff!" Emilie says, rather suddenly.

"Uh, like what?" Adrien asks.

"Hmm. You seem to joke with each other a lot. Does he drive you crazy with puns?"

"I couldn't date him if I didn't like puns! I don't think he can go an hour without making one."

"That's not true! I'm don't make them in my sleep. So ha!"

"I bet you do. You probably dream about them."

"But I don't say them, so it still counts!"

"Sure it does."

Everyone laughs, and the awkwardness seems to go away, for the most part as more questions are asked and answered.

Nothing too serious, but nothing boring either.

Adrien was right, his mom really is pretty chill.

So that's why you work up the courage to ask something you'd been wondering about for a while.

"Your uh, your husband wasn't too fond of all the jokes and puns, was he?" You ask, already regretting it when the laughter comes to a halt.

"Well no, not as much as Adrien and I, but he didn't hate them. Why do you ask?"

"I just wondered. Like I said, I couldn't imagine being with him if I didn't like puns." You say, nodding to Adrien.

"Oh. I suppose you want to know how someone like me, who enjoys jokes and poking fun, could marry someone who was so serious?"

"Yeah." You say, thinking this was a bad thing to ask.

"Well he wasn't always the way Adrien says he became. He used to be much more, hm, chill?"

"Not chill enough to let me go to school, or have friends." Adrien mutters under his breath, but you still catch it.

"I don't really understand it myself, but it happened and now we have Adrien, so I'm thankful it did."

"Me too." You say, cracking a smile.

Luckily the food is finished then, and is brought to the table.

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