Is he...?

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Adrien's POV

As I'm waiting with Aunt Amile to get more test results back on mom, I let my mind wander.

I start thinking about y/n, and how well she's doing with this super hero thing, without much experience.

I wonder if she's left yet?

"Hey, I'm gonna go find a drink. You want something?" I ask my aunt.

"No thank you dear, I'll just wait here." She replies.

"Ok." I say and leave the room.

I'm mostly going to see if y/n is still here, but I will get a drink.

Figuring the most likely place for her to be the waiting room, I go there.

I turn the corner and see her in one of the chairs, with Felix beside her.

He seems to be talking to her, but she has a bored expression.

I try not to laugh, but she looks adorable.

As I walk over they see me at more or less the same time, but their reactions are plenty different.

Y/n smiles, but Felix looks annoyed.

I wonder what he's bothering her about?

"Hi. How's your mom?" Y/n asks when I reach them.

"I'm not sure, she's still in testing."


"What's my mother doing?" Felix asks.

"She's waiting for the results, but I needed to walk around."


"Uh, Equina?" I say.

"Yes?" She answers.

"You can go home if you'd like. It's very nice of you to stay here for us, but who knows how long it'll be. No need for you to wait."

"That's... Oh right! I do have to go! I'm sorry, I hope your mom will be OK, but I have to leave."

"Thank you!" I say.

"You're welcome, it was nice meeting you guys!"

I smile as she summons a portal, and quickly goes through it.

I assume she had to go because her excuse wasn't supposed to take very long.

"Why'd you do that?" Felix asks.

"Do what?"

"Send her away."

"Because it was the right thing to do. She probably has somewhere to be."

"But I liked talking to her."


He rolls his eyes, and I can't help but get a little angry and protective.

"What, did you wanna ask her out?" I question.

"So what if I did?"

"You know it wouldn't work out, you live in London, she's in Paris. Plus, she probably has a boyfriend. You don't know." I tell him.

"She has teleportation powers. She could visit anytime. And you don't know either."

The heck I don't.

"Still, she's not even a regular hero. She doesn't keep her miraculous all the time."

"You sound like you know alot about her." He says as he crosses his arms.

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