In The Wrong Hands

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When you go to Master Fu's for the next lesson, you immediately ask about what the kwamis said about previous Guardians.

"We are still discussing matters. Have you told Adrien what might take place?"

"Yeah, we talked about it. I just really hope it won't matter and we can stay together."

"You really love each other, don't you?"

"We do." You respond, feeling your face get warmer.

"I always thought that Marinette was meant to be with him, but I suppose I may have misjudged."

"Yeah, I guess so." You shrug.

"There was one previous Cat Noir who fell in love with someone who wasn't a Ladybug, and they seemed to have a very good relationship. Most couples who met through the two miraculous became like those old couples who appear to dislike each other."

"Aw. That's sad. I can't imagine becoming like that."

"Let us hope that doesn't happen."


"Well, these materials won't mix themselves, so we had better get started!"

"Yes, of course." You respond to his statement, but aren't really paying attention, as your mind is still on his story.

You plan to try and remember to ask Plagg about the couple, and how they ended up.

Master Fu already said they had a good relationship, but you want to know more.

Although you do forget about them for a while once the mixture Master Fu was creating started having little explosions.

"Whoa, could that be used as like, a weapon?"

"I suppose, in theory. Especially if this recipe were to get into the wrong hands. It's not, is it?" Master asks, giving you a skeptical look.

"Of course not! I was just wondering, like in case I had to make a quick getaway with the miraculouses, and needed a distraction!"

"Right. If that were to happen, this could do in a pinch."


"Don't make me rethink teaching you all this."

"Don't worry, Master! I'm just interested, and like I said, it can help to protect the miraculous! And that's what's most important, right?"

"That would be correct. But we must do that with as little danger as we can manage. Although, there is always some danger."

"I know that! I just thought the explosion was neat, that's all."

"Yes, well. You still must be careful."

"I will, Master! This would be like a last resort!"

"If you say so."

He continues to teach you things, but you notice there's nothing more that explodes, nothing that could even remotely be used in a dangerous way.

It worries you that he may decide you're not fit to be Guardian after all, but the nagging thought that it could be for the best still lingers, as it would solve the problem of a possible break up.

You feel pretty torn about the whole situation.

"The lesson went well. But remember what I said about danger and all."

"Right. You don need need to worry about that, I understand!"

"Good. I will see you tomorrow."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now