Scared Straight

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You were on your way to the park before you realized how crowded it would probably be at this time.

Oh well. Already halfway there. You think and continue walking.

When you get there you see your assumptions were correct, almost every bench is full.

The only one with an empty spot is one in the far corner, almost hidden from view.

There's only one person there, a boy.

You walk over and ask if you can sit.

The boy looks up, making you blink a couple times, recognizing him.

"Sure, I guess." He answers in a bored tone.


He nods curtly and you sit.

You open the book you'd brought, and start reading.

You'd only gotten a few pages when you felt someone looking at you.

You glance up, and see the boy watching you.

"Can I help you?" You say.

"Sorry, you just look familiar."

"Uh, I come here alot."

"No, it's not that. I haven't been here in years."


"I'm Felix."

"Y/n. Does that help?"

"No, I don't think I know anyone with that name."

"I guess I just have one of those faces."

He nods, accepting this answer.

You know that's probably not the actual reason, he may just recognize you from yesterday, as Equina.

Looking back at the book, you hope that answer satisfies him, as you don't want to continue talking.

In the hospital he kept flirting.

You found it sort of horrible, since Adrien and his mother were in the other room, learning who knows what about his aunt.

He didn't even seem to care.

"What're you reading?" He breaks into your train of thought.

You lift the book to show him the cover, to which he nods and says he's never read it.

"It's good." You say politely, not wanting to be rude.

"Maybe I'll have to try it sometime."

"Yeah." You hope he takes this as a signal that you want to be left alone, but no such luck.

"You said you come here alot, so I assume you live around here. Know any good places to eat?"

"Uh yeah, I guess."

You give him a few names, but none which are your favorites, because you hope he won't go there for you to run into.

"Maybe you'd accompany me to one of them sometime?"

"Uhh, I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"I don't even know you!"

"That's the point! We can get to know each other!"

"Still, it's a no."


"I have a boyfriend, for one."

"Oh yeah? And what's he got that I don't?"

"Respect for the word no, first of all."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now