Cookies and spies

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Adrien's POV

I wait until I'm pretty sure the others are asleep, then quietly transform and sneak out my window.

Though I took all the regular precautions, I feel like I'm being watched.

So before I left, I put some pillows in my bed, to make it look like I was asleep.

It's probably stupid, but better safe than sorry.

As I make my way to y/n's house, I can't shake the feeling.

Just to be safe, I run around a few different buildings, take a couple alleys, before finally arriving.

I knock on the balcony door and immediately feel better when she opens it.

"Hey Kitty!" She says.

"Hi Angel!" I say and hug her.

"What's this about?"

"What, can't I just hug my girlfriend?" I tease.

"Yeah, it was just sudden, that's all."

"Well I missed you!"

"Didn't I just see you like, yesterday?"

"You know what I mean!"

"Yeah yeah. Come on, I have cookies!"


You giggle at his excitement and walk over to your desk, where the cookies are.

"Here, take however many you want." You offer.

To which he immediately grabs three and starts downing them.

"You act like you haven't eaten in days!" You say with a laugh.

"Don't judge, cookies are a gift that must be enjoyed!"

"You're not wrong."

He chuckles, and finishes off two more, as you eat some.

"Did you make these?" He asks.

"Made, opened a pack, what's the difference?"

"True." He laughs.

"So you're kinda late, what kept you?"

"Oh, I just had to wait for my family to go to bed, I'm having some relatives over so it may be later for a while, they don't know how long they're staying."

"Ohh, fun fun."

"Yeah, it's just a cousin and aunt, luckily."

"That's good, not too many."


As you sit and talk, eating cookies and having fun, someone else is forming a plan.

Third person Felix POV

Felix stood outside Adrien's door, cup to his ear, listening.

He couldn't forget that voice Adrien was talking to.

After a while of quiet, he was about to go to bed, deciding this was stupid, when he heard movement.

"Ok, Plagg. They should be asleep." Adrien whispers

"Yippee. Can't you just stay in bed?" That raspy voice says.

Who, or what is Plagg? Felix thinks to himself.

"Nope! We're gonna go see y/n!"

"Ooh, will she give me cheese?!"

"We'll see. Claws out!"

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