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Once Cat had gotten you both to the balcony you sit down with him and watch as he opens the letter from his father.

You read over his shoulder, glancing at his face every now and then to gauge his reaction.

He reads the most of it with a blank expression, with the only exception of rolling his eyes.

It's mostly a Christmas greeting, with inquiries about how Adrien is doing, and if he's found out anything about his mother.

When he's finished reading he folds the paper up and stuffs it back into the envelope.

"Are you ok?" You ask gently.

"Yeah. It's fine." He says, shrugging.

You put your arms around him from the side, and he smiles and bends his hand up to hold them.

"I saw him the other day." He surprises you by saying.

"What?! Why?" You ask in shock, pulling away to look at him.

"I had to go down to the prison, and while I was leaving I saw him in the yard."

"Oh wow, Adrien. How was it?"

"Well, that's all I did, see him, I didn't say anything to him, so it wasn't that bad. I went like this anyway." He responds, gesturing to his suit.

"Why were you there? Did you take a criminal in or something?"

"No, actually that's what I really need to talk to you about. I had to go there and warn them."

"Warn them? About what?"

"Y/n, you are in grave danger. I needed to tell them why."

"Uh-oh, grave danger? How much worse than regular danger is that? And why did the police need to know?"

"Y/n, this is serious. It's really not a joking matter. And the police need to know because it would involve them too."

"Ok, ok. I'm listening. What's going on?"

"First of all, you know how I've been having those awful dreams about something bad happening to you."

"Yeah, are they still bothering you?!"

"Yes. But I don't even care about the dreams now, it's what they imply."

"What do you mean?"

"I told Master Fu about them, and he told me that since black cats are supposed to be bad luck and all, they can receive bad dreams of things in the future that, you guessed it, would be bad. So something really could happen to you!"

"Oh wow, um. That's not what I was expecting. What was it that you said was going on in your dreams?"

"Well for the most part it was about Hawkmoth escaping and hurting you, but now I'm not so sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Well maybe it's my aunt"


"Yeah, she's seeming to be following in his footsteps."

"Really?! Like she wants the miraculouses?"

"I guess. I would assume it's to get my mom back, the same reason as my father."

"What has she done to make you think that? Anything suspicious?"

"I don't know, maybe? The warden said a young woman had been coming to see my dad, and I don't know of anybody else who would."

"That is weird. Has she done anything else?"

"She saw the letter he sent me, so I used it to ask if she's been in contact with him. She said no, but I don't have any proof. Of any of it, really."

"Well did the warden give you any type of description? Age? Hair color?"

"No, Miss Detective, all she said was a young woman had been coming to see my father since he was imprisoned, and that she gives him updates about me. And that's something my aunt could do."

"Yeah, that does make sense. Although, why would your dreams be about Hawkmoth, as in your dad, getting loose if it's really your aunt?"

"I'm not sure. Plagg did mention the dreams his past holders would get didn't always line up exactly to what actually happened."

You hum in response, thinking about what it could mean.

"The only thing I'm positive of is that you could get hurt. And I can't let something like that happen." He says, taking hold of your hand.

"But what am I supposed to do? Hide in my house until something happens?!"

"Maybe! That's the one constant in all the dreams I've had, something bad happening to you."

"I don't want to be under house arrest!"

"Of course you don't, but it would help protect you!"

"What could really help protect me is having Kaalki around!" You suggest.

"Angel, you know I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous enough having just two full time miraculous holders."

"It wouldn't be full time, just until your nightmares go away!"

"I really do wish I could, but I'm sure Master Fu would never allow it."

"Hey, there's no harm in asking, right!?"

"There might be!"

"Like how?"

"Well, Master Fu might get upset I asked."

"Why would he? There's a perfectly reasonable explanation!"

"I guess I could try. I'll do anything to keep you safe.


"Anything. You're such an ameowzing purrson it would be pawsitively clawful if harm came to you!"

"Was that like four puns in the same sentence?!"

"You know it!" He says with a wink.

You giggle at him before getting cut off by your phone ringing.

When you see that it's your mother, you realize that she must think you're still at the park.

So you alert Cat to this, and he picks you up and jumps to the ground.

You give him a short kiss and then run inside.

"Hey mom, sorry I didn't answer your call, but I was right outside." You say when you find her.

But she's not having it.

Using your full name, she asks where you've been.

"Sorry! Cat Noir showed up, and we were talking."

"Well next time tell me! For all I knew you could've been bleeding out somewhere with a stab wound!"

"Mom, you're over exaggerating! Everything was fine! Besides, with Cat patrolling the streets I think I'll be ok."

"You better be! Now help me get dinner ready."

It's a bit short, but I've got big things planned that I'm trying to work on 😉🤐

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