Forts and Treats

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(I found that image on Google btw, idk who the kids are but I felt like the one you could see should be blurred 🤷)

"OK, just pull the corner down over there and I think we're done!" You announce as Adrien attached the fitted sheet to the couch corner.

"It's purrfect!" He declares.

"What shall we call our fort?" You ask.

"Hmm. Bestest Fort Ever?"

"A little on the nose, don't ya think?"

"Yeah, maybe. You got any ideas?"

"Uhh," You start trying to combine your names, but nothing sounds right.

Adrien snaps his fingers and says,  "How about Fort Angel Kitty?!"

"That's it! The best name for the best fort!"

You race to get in first, but just end up crashing into each other.

"Oops." He giggles.

You fall into laughter with him, feeling giddy, when your mother comes in and asks what's so funny.

"We're just having fun!" You say through your giggle fit.

"OK. Well I was getting hungry, so I was wondering if you two are ready to eat?"

"I am!" You say, trying to crawl out of the fort.

"Me too!" Adrien follows you.

"So what do you want?"

"Uhhh, takeout?" You suggest.

"OK. Adrien?"

"Sounds good to me!"

So you all settle on a restaurant and wait for the delivery.

While you wait you and Adrien try and decide on something to watch.

"Do you think we could binge an entire show?" You ask.

"Do we want to sleep at all?"


"Then yes."

You giggle and continue browsing.

After much debate, a unanimous decision is eventually made, just before the food arrives.

Everyone gathers around the table and gets ready.

"So. Can we have sundaes after this? Maybe make some cookies?" You ask.

"Knock yourselves out. As long as you leave some for me." Your mom replies.

"Will do!" You happily continue eating, pondering what all you'll have.

"I got the mix!" You announce after you'd retrieved the box of cookie mix from the cabinet once you finished eating.

You and Adrien work together to make it, taking turns pouring ingredients in and mixing.

"Can we just eat it without cooking it?" Adrien asks, staring sadly at the pan after licking the batter from the spoon.

You'd taken another spoon and scraped the remnants from the bowl, and you have to agree.

"Not much. There's stuff that needs cooked out." Your mother decides to ruin the fun and put the pan into the oven.

"Why do you people like these things so much? You didn't even add cheese!" Plagg asks, after watching the whole process.

"Because cheese cookies don't sound good?" You giggle.

"Have you ever tried it?"

"Have you?" Adrien reverses the question.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now