Secret's Out

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You were standing on your balcony, looking at the Eiffel Tower, all lit up in the darkness, when you heard the familiar sound of someone landing behind you.

"Hey Kitty," You say without turning.

"I'm not Cat Noir."

You quickly turn around in fear, but relax to see that it's only Ladybug.

"Oh, sorry, I just didn't expect anyone else. So um... What exactly are you doing here?" You ask.

"Well, I was on patrol, or really just trying to clear my head, when I saw you, and thought I'd stop by." She says, which confuses you, but you go along.

"Ok, uh, any particular reason?"

"I thought you might be able to relate to my problem."

"And what's that?"

She walks over, leaning against the railing with you and starts talking.

"How did you feel when Cat Noir said he liked someone else?"

"What do you mean? When he was talking about you?"

"No, remember how he was akumatized, and you told me that he'd told you he liked me and someone else?"

"Oh, yeah. I guess I forgot about that."

"Mmhmm, so how did you get over that?"

"Well, I just stayed friends with him, and tried to be supportive, until he told me that the 'someone else' was actually me."

"Right, you ended up with him."

"Uhm, yeah?" You say, still wondering where she's going with this.

"You see, I told my crush I liked him today, but he told me he has a girlfriend. I thought you might understand."

"Oh. It's not exactly the same situation, since Cat never told me he had a girlfriend, just someone he liked."

"I know, I just hoped you could tell me how to handle it."

"Well uh, I didn't really handle it all that good. I cried a few times, to be honest."

"I have too. And he only told me today!" She says, laughing dryly.

"If it's alright for me to ask, who is your crush?"

"It's fine, I guess. He's famous, and there are plenty of people who like him. His name is Adrien. Adrien Agreste."

You can feel your eyes widen, and you almost feel bad, since in a way you've taken away two of her crushes.

"Ohh. Well, I mean, a famous guy like him is sure to have a girlfriend right?"

"Yeah, but he'd never said anything."

"Do you know him? Like as a civilian?"


"Huh. Isn't there anybody else you like?" You hope to help her out, considering you're sort of the reason she doesn't have a chance with him.

"There's this one boy I know, I think he likes me too, honestly."

"Then there you go! If you like him, and he likes you, just go for it! Maybe you could ask him out sometime."

"I guess you're right."

"Sure I am! Good luck!"

"Thanks. I guess I'll be going, I think I see Cat." She says, squinting at a figure leaping through the darkness.

"You're welcome. Bye."

"Bye, thanks again."

"Yep." You say, and she takes out her yo-yo and swings away.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now