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Adrien's POV

I was in my room, playing piano with Plagg when the door opened so suddenly Plagg was barely able to hide in the piano.

"You won't believe what just happened." Felix says, walking quickly to me.

I almost laugh, before remembering I shouldn't know.

"What?" I try to sound intrigued.

"Cat Noir just threatened me!"

I wouldn't say threatened.


He nods vigorously.


"I apparently flirted with his girlfriend or something. I don't know."

"Well, I guess that would make him upset."

"Yeah, but I think he's crazy. One of those yandere guys from anime."

"Surely he wouldn't go THAT far!"

I'm not crazy, I just wanted to give him a little scare.

"He said I'm lucky he's a good guy, and then disintegrated a trash bag." He deadpans.

"He was probably just trying to get his point across."

"Yeah, well, there's better ways to do it."

"What would you do if you saw some guy flirting with your girlfriend and had the power of disintegration or whatever it is?"

"I wouldn't threaten anybody."

"Sure, sure. You yelled at me for telling Equina she could leave."

"I wasn't yelling. And I just wanted someone to talk to!"

"Ok, whatever. And just don't flirt with that girl anymore, and you'll be fine."

"Do you think he'd actually hurt me?"


"Do you think he'd actually use his power on me if I kept flirting with her?"

"Probably not, but you shouldn't risk it."

Can't he take a hint?

How many people does he need to tell him to not bother y/n?!

"I think he's challenging me."

"I doubt that."

That's not at all what happened.

"Oh yeah, he wants to fight for her."

"She's not a prize."

"You know what I mean. Besides, any girl would want to be fought over!"

"I'm not so sure about that..."

"Well I am. She said she goes to the park often, maybe I can see her again soon!"

"And do what? Tell her you think her boyfriend wants to duel you?"

"Maybe not those words exactly."

"Come on, Felix. Don't bother the poor girl!"

"Please, girls love me."

"Yeah, well, she turned you down, didn't she?"

"It's called Playing Hard To Get, Adrien! Maybe if you would go out instead of sitting here playing your little piano you could learn a thing or two and maybe get a girlfriend yourself!"

It's all I can do to not laugh at his ridiculousness.

"So you have a girlfriend?"

"No? What do you mean?" He asks with a confused look.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now