A Reveal

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"Ughh Shadow, I don't know about a walk today." You groan, clutching your stomach.

He meows at you, then walks over to the beam of sunlight coming through the window and curls up, so you assume he's alright with staying in.

You quickly get some painkillers then go curl up in bed.

After forcing yourself to get through a little schoolwork you set the books aside and go find something to eat.

But you're stopped by s/n, who is just getting home.

"Hey y/n! Wanna hear about what I learned today?! It was really interesting!!" They exclaim.

"Um, I was actually hoping for a snack."

"You can get one while I tell you!"

So they follow you around, spouting a long and boring story while you look for something.

"Y/n! Don't eat too much of that, I'm about to start cooking!" Your mother calls as you grab your favorite snack.

"OK, Mom."

You don't eat as much as you'd like, but luckily you don't have to wait long before the meal is ready.

After enduring dinner with s/n chattering away about the sleepover, you steal away to your room and hope you would be followed.

"Y/n! Wanna play?" S/n asks, coming in with a board game.

"Not right now, I don't feel very good."

"Oh you'll be fine! Just one round?! Please!!"


"UGH! You're so mean!!!" They yell and run away, probably to complain to whoever will listen.

For a while you stare at the clock and will bedtime to come, so you can be left in peace.

You pass the time with a book, and eventually you're being told goodnight by everyone.

You're happy to stay up and enjoy the much needed quiet.

But that doesn't stop you from being extra happy to hear a knock at your balcony.

"Come in!" You try to say quietly.

"Hi, Angel!" Adrien says, already detransformed and feeding Plagg.

"Hello Kitty!" You say, making you both laugh.

"How have we never thought of that one before?" He asks as he comes and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I dunno. She's probably your cousin or something, so we should've."

"What, is she Felix's sister?" He asks, making you laugh.

"You'll have to ask him."

"Nah, he'd just lie, cause he's rude like that."

"Hey, she might be related to Plagg!" You try to say through your laughter.

"Now there's a theory!" He says with a chuckle.

"Oh Plaaggg!" You giggle, watching him fluff his pillow.

"I'm not related to Hello Kitty." He grumbles.

"Has Shadow been laying here?! There's fur everywhere!" He continues complaining.

"It's probably yours." You giggle.

"I don't shed everywhere."

"He really doesn't, thankfully. Or he would've been found ages ago." Adrien confirms.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now