Ice Cream

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Cat's POV

I was on my way to y/n's house, to see if she wanted to go out, when I'm stopped by Nadjia Chamack and her news team.

"Cat Noir! Would you and Ladybug be interested in a small interview?" She calls.

"I don't think so..." I try to say and leave, but she persists.

"Please! We'll only take a small amount of your time!"

I remember the last time we agreed to an interview, it crashed.

"I doubt Ladybug would be ok with it, I mean, with all that happened last time."

"Yes, but Hawkmoth is gone now! So wouldn't it be alright?"

"I don't know..."

"Come on! Doesn't the people deserve to know a little about what happened during the battle? We know who Hawkmoth was, but now why he did it! Just a small interview? It'll take thirty minutes! No more!"

"I have to ask Ladybug."

"Yes, of course. And if she agrees we'll schedule it to go live tomorrow night!"

"Isn't that a bit last minute?" I want to prolong this as long as possible, though I knew it would come eventually.

"No! Just get back to us by tonight so we can advertise it!"

"Fine. But no longer than thirty minutes!"

"Yes, of course. Let's go guys, we've got a commercial to make!" She says and gets back in the van.

They all drive away, leaving me standing alone in the street.

I better go ahead and call Ladybug.

Vaulting to the rooftops, I shorten my baton and go to the call setting.

Clicking a few buttons, I let it ring.

She doesn't pick up, she must not be transformed.

I leave a message, telling her to call me, and continue to y/n's house.

Leaping to her balcony, I knock on the door.

After a moment, she opens it, looking confused.

"Hey. What're you doing here so early? It's only 6."

"What? We can't be a normal couple who does things at normal times?" I tease.

"Not really, considered you probably jumped here from that roof, which most normal people can't do." She points out.

"Ok, fair point. But still, I wanted to take you on a date! We haven't really had a date. Unless you count me stopping my psycho cousin from throwing you off a building."

"Yeah, don't count that. What is it you want to do?"

"I'm glad you asked! My fair lady, would you care to join me on a romantic stroll?" I say and give an exaggerated bow, ending with taking her hand and kissing it.

"I would be delighted!" She says, playing along.

"Well then, shall we be on our way?"

"We shall! But first, I must inform my parents of my whereabouts." 

"Why of course." I say and she goes back inside.

I wait for a minute or so, when I hear the door open and close downstairs.

Looking over the railing, I see y/n staring up at me, and when she spots me, she waves to come down.

I take out my baton and slide down, coming to a stop in front of her.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now