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Your mother was almost finished with dinner when you'd started helping, so it didn't take long to get everything ready, and then eaten.

Then your parents decided to go out to the store, and s/n went with them, leaving you alone.

And for once it worries you, since Adrien had just been giving you a warning.

You decide to just hide out and draw in your room until they get home.

But that plan is stopped short when you hear a knocking at your balcony.

You get up and walk over to the door and peek out.

You're able to see that it's Cat, so you open the door.

"Hey! Back so soon?"

"Y/n, I need you to come with me."

"What, why? Where are we going?" You ask in confusion.

He'd just been wanting you to stay inside, now he's ready for a night out on the town?

"It's a... secret! Let's go!" He says and grabs your arm, then starts pulling you along.

"Uhh, ok?" You say, starting to follow him, and shutting your balcony door behind you.

He almost jumps off just holding your arm, but you quickly stop him.

"Don't you think that will hurt?"

"Right, sorry." He says then puts an arm around your waist, looking uncomfortable.

"Uh Cat? Are you alright? You're acting kinda funny."

"Oh no, I'm pawsitively fine!" He puns.

That makes you feel a little better, but you're still suspicious.

"So you're not telling me where we're headed?" You ask.


"Is it a date spot?"

He makes a really weird, discomforted face at this, but nods all the same.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"


By now the Eiffel Tower is close enough that you can see there's nobody on it, which makes you curious.

"Did you get the Eiffel emptied for us?"

"Uh, yeah, sure did!"

"Wow! How did you do that?" You ask as he sets you down, since you've reached the Tower.

"I scared them all away." He says with a very uncharacteristic and creepy smile.

"What do you mean..." You start, but then trail off as his appearance starts changing, and the face you've gotten so used to, the one that always makes you smile starts to melt away, and turns into one you'd hoped to never see again.

Even though you had been warned, you weren't prepared to see it.

A face which causes you to let out a scream.

The face of Hawkmoth.

Adrien's POV

After leaving y/n's I start to Master Fu's, then realize that I'm late for fencing class.

So I run all the way there, hide to detransform, and once I go in and get the few things I had put away, plus changed, I find Felix and Kagami chatting it up.

Every time we have practice they're together, I guess they've really hit it off.

Good for them.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now